Parisot to direct Central Intellgence Starring Ed Helms

Seems that Dean Parisot will be returning to the directors chair for the first time in five years to direct the Ed Helms lead cast in Central Intelligence.

Ed Helms is probably most recognized recently for his role in the Hangover as the Dentist buddy who is missing a tooth.

Collider says:

Dean Parisot, best known for directing the brilliant Galaxy Quest, has signed on to direct the comedy Central Intelligence starring Ed Helms for Universal. According to Variety the film is about an accountant who “reconnects with an old friend via Facebook and his life is engulfed by the world of international espionage.”

I loved Galaxy Quest, and if this guy had only one credit to his name and that was it, I would be his biggest supporter in anything he ever did. Just brilliant stuff there. Well he did also do Fun with Dick and Jane which was was less than impressed with.

So I will be keeping an eye out for Central Intelligence to see how it works out for Helms as a lead as well.

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2 Responses to “Parisot to direct Central Intellgence Starring Ed Helms”

  1. gypsydreams101 says:

    I LOVED Fun With Dick & Jane, I thought it was so brilliantly written :-D

    I like Ed Helms, I think it’d be good to see him do something serious…..good call…..

  2. 420BAND says:

    Dick and Jane still cracks me up HARD!

    anyone who’s been on a financial rollercoaster like most us americans this past year should watch that flick. (laughter IS the best medicine)

    Loved Galaxy Quest as well.

    Ed Helms has yet to impress though.
    he doesn’t really stand out much on his own…but he’s got promise.

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