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Pacino to Replace DeNiro on Son of No One

By Rodney - February 17, 2010 - 16:18 America/Montreal

In my younger days I would often mistake Robert DiNiro and Al Pacino. But even once I turned 14 and learned how to tell them apart, I still found there to be a great deal of crossover between the two. I often joked that if you couldn’t get DeNiro for the gig, you could just hire Pacino instead… well it appears that has come true.

The film Son of No One was to star DeNiro but for reasons unexplained he has bowed out of participating and to replace him they have recruited Al Pacino.

ScreenRant quotes:

“ Son of No One centers on a young cop who is assigned to a precinct in the working class neighborhood where he grew up, with an old secret surfacing and threatening to destroy his life and family.”

Dear John star Channing Tatum is being chased down for the “young cop” in the New York-based film, while the cast is also likely to be filled out by Terrence Howard, Ray Liotta and “Mrs. Tom Cruise” Katie Holmes.

I don’t think this replacement will hinder or assist the film in any way. Its a suitable replacement, like getting Jesse Essenberg to replace Michael Cera. Ok, they are closer in resemblance than Rob and Al ever were.


  1. joe says:

    when i was watching zombieland there were times when i thought it was michael cera playing it was that scary

  2. 420BAND says:

    seems that Jessie has a couple more facial expressions in his bank than Lil’ Mike does

  3. Cinema Phreak says:

    ugghhh, I think anything that channing tatum is put in seems to be a train wreck, the only saving grace to this seems to be pachino…

    • GODFATHER says:

      I was just about to write “dear God, I hope they don’t cast Tatum in this”. I don’t dislike the guy, but I don’t think he’s got enough range to play a young cop alongside Pacino.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Maybee he’ll learn a thing or 2..

    As long as Al doesn’t yell his way through the movie, I’m game.


  5. Ryan says:

    Having seen my fair share of Al Pacino movies, I don’t understand why people think he was one of the best two or three actors of his generation… I’d agree with “one of the two or three best actors portraying gangsters of his generation,” but that’s about it. He’s certainly talented, but so were a lot of others.

  6. gypsydreams101 says:

    He shares my birthday.

    Therefore, he rocks.

    I have spoken.

  7. 420BAND says:

    This is why:

    1)”I’ll make him an offer he cant refuse”
    3)”Say hello to my little friend”
    3A)”This town is like one big pussy,just waiting to get fucked”
    4)(my least fav.)”Whooooaaaaa!”
    5)”I’m otta ordaa?!, your otta ordaa! this whole FUCKIN’ courtroom is otta orrrdaaaa!”

    That’s why.

    just sayin’

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