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Pacificor Plots Terminator’s Future and T5 & T6 Treatments are Written

By Rodney - February 12, 2010 - 13:04 America/Montreal

Right on the heels of Pacificor winning the rights to Terminator, its future seemed dim. Does Pacificor have the resources to make any Terminator films? No - They are a financial fund who are just sitting on the rights hoping to make their money back on any money the property would bring in.

But I didn’t think we would see action this quick on their intentions. Seems that Pacificor has turned around and openned up negotiations with Lionsgate or Sony to create more Terminator films. The two studios they outbid to secure the property in the first place.

Pacificor just wanted control and their peice of the pie. Smart move.

But then comes news that William Wisher - James Cameron’s writing partner on the first two Terminator films has a two film treatment that will allow for more Terminator films, and people are getting pretty pumped about the premise.

Obsessed with Film quotes:

Wisher’s 2-picture construct takes place in a post-apocalyptic battleground, and factors in an element of time travel that allows for Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese to interact beyond their single fateful meeting when he traveled back in time to protect her in the original film. Wisher has created a role for Arnold Schwarzenegger that is as surprising as his shift from villain in the first film, to John Connor’s bodyguard in the second. Schwarzenegger wouldn’t be needed until the final film, which wouldn’t shoot until after he ends his term as California Governor. And who wouldn’t want to see Linda Hamilton back in aerobic top fitness form as Sarah Connor?

Wait, what?

So the plan is to keep moving forward into the story that doesn’t need to be told and reveal that an older Sarah Connor had contact through time with Kyle Reese? Sorry.. that doesn’t work for me at all.

What made Terminator an amazing story (aside from all the action) is that this time travelling bodyguard from a war torn future is sent to protect the mother of the resistance leader. The big twist is that he becomes the father of that resistance leader when he has one night of passion with Sarah Connor. HE HAD NO KNOWLEDGE that he would do that. Fate decided that he would create that momentary connection with Sarah and in a moment of passion he would seed his own future’s salvation.

If they change the story to allow for Reese to KNOW he will love her, then it takes away that connection and replaces it with a duty. I don’t want to see that at all.

And writing in a story JUST to bring Arnie back? Weaksauce.

As I said before, Terminator Salvation proved to me that there was nothing left to tell in this epic story, and I can safely ignore parts 3 and 4 and enjoy the franchise in its original two glorious films.

It will probably happen - purely for the money, and the Terminator story will continue to be diluted with more weak empty sensationalism (even talks of Transforming terminators that combine into killing machines - sigh) and it will lose any of the deep emotional core of the franchise.

It might get resurrected. But like in the Monkey Paw, it wont be the same, and you might not like what you get.


  1. Dan says:

    Linda Hamilton was recently quoted saying almost the exact the same thing. Basically she said “The whole story was told in the first two movies and there’s no need to keep going. But when people think there’s a chance to make money, inevitably they’ll keep making the movies.”

    Too bad, maybe the next Terminator flick will feature Reese clad in a leather bomber jacket jumping over a terminator shark . . .

  2. 420BAND says:

    How Bout a Prequel?

    HA HA

  3. Matt Keith says:

    Just end the series. You know like it SHOULD HAVE at T2.

  4. cloud720 says:

    “If they change the story to allow for Reese to KNOW he will love her, then it takes away that connection and replaces it with a duty. I don’t want to see that at all.”

    Kyle Reese: John Connor gave me a picture of you once. I didn’t know why at the time. It was very old - torn, faded. You were young like you are now. You seemed just a little sad. I used to always wonder what you were thinking at that moment. I memorized every line, every curve. I came across time for you Sarah. I love you; I always have.

    • Rodney says:

      He was in love with the idea of her.

      John Connor knew and had to send her back with a knowledge of what she looked like and how important she was to him.

      She was the Virgin Mary to the resistance members. He loved her, but he didn’t have contact with her, or talk to her through time.

      • cloud720 says:

        At what point does it say he didnt have contact with her?

        Besides, they change things by going back. Something could have happened that would have caused a need for Kyle to go back to a different time.

      • Matt Keith says:

        @”Besides, they change things by going back.”

        LOL, not according to T3. According to T3 the future is set and can’t be changed.

      • gypsydreams101 says:

        It’s time travel we’re talking here, the possibilities are ENDLESS, so to speak…..agreed that we as viewers think the franchise (yuck, I hate that word when it’s used to describe movies) should’ve ended at T2, but it’s the job of the scriptwriters to come up with interesting stuff to keep us hooked.

        Wishers co-wrote with Cameron, the guy who directed the BEST Terminator film…..again, it’s important to give this a chance coz no matter what, Terminator will always remain a HUGE part of our film-going lives.

        I, for one, don’t want this to end. And if it has to, I’d rather it ended after salvaging itself (no pun intended); like how Stallone saved the Rocky franchise by making the final film. I loved it, I thought it totally made up for the one before it…..

  5. 420BAND says:

    “Too many strands for the duder’s head”

    Darn Time Travel

  6. mad claw says:

    Just let the Terminator franchise die in peace.

  7. Lawrence says:

    I’d say since James Cameron has invented his “performance-capture” 3D Fusion cameras for the 2.2 billion grossing “Avatar” film, why not use that technology to recreate the T-800 Arnold and not use the Governator? I’m sure the King of World wouldn’t mind sharing this technology to whoever is going to helm the next Terminator film, for the right price and terms that is. Besides , this cyborg saga was a brainchild of his anyway. And since his old buddy William Wisher is the one writing this so-called “treatment”, I’m sure Cameron can heave a sigh of relief. What do u think , Rodney?

    • Lawrence says:

      Arnold can still appear in future Terminator flicks as himself, probably playing in a different role, but not as T800. As for Linda Hamilton, I’m not sure if she’s going to be interested in going back to gym to shape up as the shotgun-wielding Sarah Connor. She’s past that I am sure at this point.

      • Rodney says:

        I met Linda Hamilton last summer, and I have to say she has aged somewhat, but she still has a rocking body.

        That girl is in shape.

  8. ThePeter says:

    I will wait until the movie is closer, and i’ve had a chance to see a trailer before i decide to pass judgement on it. I still have hope.

    T1 was good, T2 was great, T3 was okay, and T4 was a tad disapointing.

  9. 790 says:

    There’s still a great finale in Terminator if they do it right, witch they won’t,,,

    I am glad that Mcg has finally eaten his crow on this. He failed and almost everyone agrees.

  10. Lawrence says:

    No chance for McG to be directing the next Terminator movie. I’d rather see someone who has close ties to James Cameron to direct this. Perhaps William Wisher himself should direct, since he’s buddies with Cameron.

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