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New Twilight Eclipse

By Rodney - February 15, 2010 - 13:17 America/Montreal

Some new images are online for Twilight Eclipse and surprise surprise, many of them are Bella and Edward cuddling.

But the image I was more interested in seeing was Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria (replacing Rachelle Lefevre) and while the hair looks a little forced red (Rachelle is a natural ginger) she does look the part appropriately enough. How she will act it has yet to be seen, but the change of the role looks like it will go fairly smooth so far.

This will be the last Twilight film I am interested in, as the major climax the first two books/films have built up to takes place at the end of this movie. After that will be Twilight: Epilogue - I mean Twilight: Breaking Dawn - which is just an afterthought. This series climaxes with this book.



  1. bigsampson says:

    Degrassi high meets anne rice

    • Rodney says:

      Is that a bad thing? Both are very succesful and very popular franchise.

      • SlashBeast says:

        Yes, it is a bad thing.

      • Rodney says:

        Then don’t watch it. Simple.

        Why go out of your way everytime we post an article about Twilight to spout your little hater fits?

        Anne Rice is a successful and popular writer.
        Degrassi is a successful and popular series.

        No one says you HAVE to read/watch them. Just like you don’t have to read or click on this article if it doesn’t apply/interest you.

        You are only defeating your own point and sounding like a troll.

        Its so trendy and cool on the playground to hate on about a series, but seriously? I think Sex and the City is retarded, but I am still going to share it here if it applies, and you can skip over those articles too.

      • James (Haz) says:

        Teee hehehe xD

      • mike says:

        successful and popular always means good.

      • Shane says:

        Degrassi was awful,…

        I gotta say something about your comment Rodney. How would we know how good or bad something is unless we watched it? I would have never known how good Star Trek was if I hadn’t given it a try.

        I actually do have some hope that David Slade will do better than what we’ve been getting. If they let him do what he wants to do, which is make a much darker film, this could be good. Of anyone, he can shead some light on this series.

      • SlashBeast says:

        So only praise, adoration and support is acceptable while those with criticism, dissent and opposition should just shut up and keep quiet? That’s the reasoning of totalitarian regimes.

      • James says:

        No “Slashbeast”
        Disagreeing with reason is fine, but maybe people are starting to get tired of the cliche comparisons to teenage shows as a “negative” opinion.

        Maybe its fucking annoying that teenagers cant have ONE show without it being criticized even though we all know youve never even seen one episode of any of these teenage shows you consider to be bad.

        Is it really THAT cool to rip on 16 year old girls???

      • Slushie Man says:

        Disagreeing is fine. Trolling is not, and unless you state WHY you disagree and back up your opinion, that’s pretty much what you’re doing - trolling.

      • Slushie Man says:

        Not to mention that just because you’re not interested in something, doesn’t mean you have to go and attack it. That also makes you a troll.

        Honestly, I have no interest in Twilight at all, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go around and attack it and attack those that like it. Not everything that’s made has to appeal to me. Talk about being self-centered if that’s the case.

      • SlashBeast says:

        And what’s wrong with statements? They’re statements, not arguments. One could eaily form an argument to back up claims but if you want to say something, say it. If you want to back it up, back it up. Otherwise, if you don’t like something, state it. If someone wants to say “Twilight sucks” it’s no less valid than “Twilight is awesome”.

      • Rodney says:

        Its about motive here Slashbeast.

        I can always count on you to be the very first to post a comment on ANY Twilight post just trying to look clever making up some insult about it. Its not just a statement. You always have to have some blanket assumption about the franchise and taking shots at other things you think its hip to insult as well.

        Lets look at your “logic” here but substitute your actions for something as inappropriate and useless as your “harmless” statements.

        And what’s wrong with FARTING? They’re FARTS, not SOMETHING USEFUL. One could easily form SOMETHING USEFUL to back up claims but if you want to FART, I say FART. If you want to CONTRIBUTE TO DISCUSSION, then CONTRIBUTE. Otherwise, if you WANT TO FART, then FART. If someone wants to FART it’s no less valid than DOING SOMETHING USEFUL.

        Funny how you don’t make sense when you make simple substitutions. Logic is hard huh?

        You dont have to like Twilight, just like you dont have to read posts about Twilight. Trolling just makes you look bad, not the thing you are trying to insult.

      • SlashBeast says:

        There’s nothing wrong with that logic. In fact, you’re onyl proving my point with your “fart” analogy.

        If you want to make a statement either in support or against something, state it. Saying something like “Twilight sucks” is no less valid than saying “Twilight is awesome”. Both are opinions with little to no reasoning to back them up. But why is the former criticised while the latter is accepted? That’s basically saying that only praise and adoration are allowed while oppositional opinions are not. Neither statement has any support for it so both are valid and acceptable.

      • Rodney says:

        Then thanks for proving my point that you are just a troll. You dont even read what you write yourself.

        You start saying there is no difference, they say there is a difference then try to justify that your pointless effort is acceptable just because you want to do something unacceptable.

        Troll. You’re done here.

  2. Izzy says:

    Bryce Dallas Howard is a natural ginger as well

  3. James (Haz) says:

    I read the script and this guy thats holding Edward, “Riley” is like HUGE in it.

    Hes got like 90 scenes. Seriously. Hes got more lines then Victoria

  4. Ifaz says:

    David Slade, that’s all I’m saying.

  5. 420BAND says:

    “Why go out of your way everytime we post an article about Twilight to spout your little hater fits?”
    ……….Sorry……..I’ve got nothing to add.

  6. Ryan says:

    “This will be the last Twilight film I am interested in”

    Eek. Does that mean you were interested in the first two?

    • Rodney says:

      While not the best movies, or even the best books, this did provide a different look at Vampires than we are typically used to.

      I was refreshed to see this take, and I am interested in the series despite its flaws. I am not a Twihard though.

      I just dont think the series is as bad as people seem to enjoy pretending it is.

      • James says:

        I will second what Rodney said and will raise you that- I think the first two movies were great.


        After seeing the difference action-wise between New Moon The Book and The Movie, I still dont know why you have no hope for the last two Breaking Dawn movies, dont you see the pattern? Obviously theyll add the conclusion the last book needed, and make it watchable in the big screen.

      • Rodney says:

        I will have an interest in Breaking Dawn if I hear they are actually doing something with it outside of mopey-sex hybrid vamp baby climaxing with a dramatic… discussion.

        And Breaking Dawn was easily the worst conclusion to that series already struggling to overcome its weaknesses. I honestly don’t see how they are going to make that into two movies and I think that is all just rumour generated by the last Harry Potter book adaptation.

        At least I hope it is.

      • James says:

        Actually its official, theyre splitting it in two. Seriously- wiki it.

        If you read closely, youll notice the book was split into 3 pieces. Two short Jacob ones, and one long Bella one.
        Those will be made into two movies.

        The two Jacob ones will end with the 2 Wolfpacks having a confrontation, and the Bella one will end with the “discussion” which im sure theyll turn into a fight, i mean- do you really think theyll end it with a convo like in the book?

        I think that New Moon was WAY more boring.
        If New Moon had fight scenes and an relatively exciting movie, im sure Breaking Dawn can be made into an AWESOME move if adapted.

      • Shane (Dragonslayer) says:

        Enjoy pretending it is?

        Whatever happened to one man’s opinion? I hate the Twilight series. So does that mean I’m pretending right now?

        Do you mean people who’ve never read it or seen it? Well, maybe you should have wrote it down because I took as you saying that all people who hate Twilight are just saying that.

        Just sayin

      • Rodney says:

        No, I mean people who look at it and dont like it, but then seem to make it their life’s mission to publicly mock it.

        Its trendy, I know. Its all the playground rage. Its hip to make some clever remark blindly pissing your hate all over something. But honestly, if you feel THAT strongly against something, isn’t it easier to just ignore it?

        Like I do with movies staring wrestlers, and the Jackass “films”

      • Shane says:

        Fine. And actually I don’t mention how much I don’t care for these films in every post. I used too, lol, but I don’t now.

        In some ways, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, I’m kinda looking forward to this one. I hope they let Slade do what he wants to do, make a grittier, darker film.

      • Rodney says:

        I read the books and did find some value to them.

        I think the part that I like most is how brutally honest Meyers is about overly emotional teenagers. Bella is a whiny emo kid with no rational control of her emotions, which is actually the hard truth of most teenagers anyways. This is why I think teens connect the most with this franchise.

        But the part that drew me in was the fresh look at the mythos of the supernatural. Vampires are not all pointy teeth and burning in sunlight. I like that fresh approach.

        The first book was emo, the second was exploring the wolf pack, and the third is a real suspenseful action story. I hope they portray that right on screen.

      • Shane says:

        The first movie actually did impress me with the accurate view on teens. But the film was so flawed and it annoyed me so much. I didn’t care to see the second film. But the new one might be good. Might be.

  7. meli says:

    Dude, Pattinson’s head looks way big in that picture above! hehe It almost looks photoshopped.

    Eclipse is also the last Twilight movie I’m interested in as BD was an utter mess. I tried to justify it but logic took over. The fact that they are making 2 movies is ridiculous. The book is large, but there is so much fluff that can be left out, so really they’re going to make a movie with a lot of filler. They should make one movie and revamp the action…or the lack there of.

  8. Casey says:

    I have read all 4 books, and Breaking Dawn was by far the best to me.
    Im excited to see what they do with that movie.
    As for Eclipse, im not too excited to see this.
    I didn’t like the book, nor did I like the New Moon Book, but New Moon was an excellent movie im glad I gave a chance.
    Hope this will be that way.

    • James says:

      I think that the best part of the first movie was when they first meet, and how they try to understand each other, and know what theyre both about. I think that was genius, and i loved how they handled it (them meeting each other at first, and how awkward and weird it was to them)

      Unfortunately people rank movies by the amount of action they have. Not knowing Twilight isnt an action movie, but a romance.

  9. Morganne says:

    ok so although this movie was one of the most popular things in 2009, why is there another one?? there were already two movies which were absoultley awesome and 2009 is what i would like to consider a twlight epidemic along with other things but they should consider taking the satisfaction of the two movies already made instead of keep making more and more of them. maybe im just not a twlight fan but after a seqeuel movies just loose their originality.

  10. 420BAND says:

    I’ll stick with watching Near Dark over and over.

    that came out when I was 16
    same for Lost Boys, I guess it’s the same stuff.
    (lost boys I mean).

    You know , Teen Vampires and all..

    It was cool as shit back then

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