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New Karate Kid Trailer now with More Chan

By Rodney - February 24, 2010 - 12:50 America/Montreal

Despite making this Kung-Fu instead of Karate, the title is still the Karate Kid.

And this new trailer makes it look like this might not suck.

Ok, sure, it seems almost like a scene for scene remake, but it looks alright. Chan always delivers a heartwarming character, and while Junior Smith has yet to prove himself, he has the moves.

And I gotta dig the “Your the Best” playing on the radio in the scene where Chan is trying to catch a fly with chopsticks. A perfect nod there. (That song is on my Zune)


  1. Slushie Man says:

    I was weary at first, and while I’m still not happy with the age of the kid characters (I still think they’re way too young, especially for the love story aspect of it), each trailer wins me over more and more.

    • cloud720 says:

      Well it is called the Karate KID. I wouldn’t have called Ralph Machio(or whatever his name is) a kid in the last movies.

      • Rodney says:

        He played a teenager. And like it or not, teenagers are “kids”.

        Its a general term to anyone beneath the age of adulthood.

      • riggs says:

        i know a couple of teenagers who would punch you in the face if you called them kids.

      • Rodney says:

        And that level of maturity to resort to such an action would only prove the title accurate.

      • cloud720 says:

        It would prove nothing. If a 22 year old did the same thing, that wouldn’t suddenly make them a kid.

        The word is more fitting for a 12 year old than a senior in High School. I may be wrong but didn’t Daniel have a birthday in the first movie? Most seniors in high school who have birthdays are turning 18.

        And we could sit here and argue that 17 or 18 is still a kid? But why? The point is that no one is going to argue that this 12 year old is a kid. The title just seems more fitting for someone his age.

      • Rodney says:

        It could also just be a general term because he was young, and it made for nice alliteration to say Karate Kid instead of “Karate Teenager who turns 18 and is now no longer a Kid”

      • cloud720 says:

        So it sounds better but isn’t exactly accurate?

        Calling a 12 year a kid would be accurate. That’s all I was trying to say. The title fits a 12 year old better than a 18 year old.

  2. shamsu1055 says:

    I love jackie chan movies, even he the movie sucks i’ll see it.
    He’s a living legend.

  3. Matt Keith says:

    I actually chuckled at one of the lines in the trailer. I still have NO hope for this film at all.

  4. Chris says:

    WTH. He’s doing Kung Fu instead of karate. What’s up with that? I’m not feeling confident in this film.

    • joe says:

      that what i dont get why is it called the karate kid when it takes place in china i think i would enjoy the idea a little more if it was called the kunfu kid

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        You have to visit the film’s site to understand why it’s ‘Karate Kid and Not Kung Fu Kid…better yet, I’ll just spill it.

        Remember: do NOT shoot the messenger.

        It’s called Karate Kid because the young Kid already knows some Karate before he goes to China (kind of like in the original Daniel knew a few moves from a book and a few classes at the YMCA) but has to learn another fighting style or two (kung fu, wushu) in order to stop the bullies from harassing ‘the love interest’.

        Hence, the Kid is already The Karate Kid.
        I know it’s dopey.
        Don’t look at me, I didn’t write the damned thing!

      • James says:

        Thank you Darren, that really helped.

        I was wondering if they would make it Kung Fu since its in China, but your explenation was really good and made sence

      • bjon86 says:

        Kinda like how Jackie Chan was called the Shanghai Kid in those movies with Owen Wilson. That completely clears that up.

  5. Ken says:

    “Your focus needs more focus” that lean over the pond scene was pretty cool. #1 reason to see this for me is because jackie chan is my hero,role model an inspiration. And also i’m not against jaden as the new daniel(dre),although there are others i see being a better fit. I’m slowly starting to think it will be a pretty ok remake.

  6. partymarty says:

    I didnt know it was to be set in China. Might have more in common with Karate Kid 2 due to that. The kid really looks like his father in some shots, and seems better than the kid used in Forbidden Kingdom anyway. I like how its jacket on and off to reflect the fluid moves of kung fu rather than the solid blocking in Karate, though it seems even less plausible!

    • Rodney says:

      Well in KK2 he visits China. This is just a more extreme version of the storyline from part one. He moves to a new city where he is considered somewhat of an outcast and doesn’t fit in.

      He befriends the handyman and learns martial arts through a variety of seemingly unfamiliar tasks.

      The first KK was about learning and self confidence. The second was about respect and honour. The third was about losing focus. The fourth was a sad attempt to pass the torch and wasn’t about much of anything.

  7. cloud720 says:

    You now at some point someone had to say that Karate is not Kung-fu. So I am sure they know. So why leave the two mixed up? Do they just feel the audience is dumb to know the difference?

  8. Roguepirate says:

    Easily could have cashed in on Tayler Lautner’s popularity and karate background.

  9. Andrew says:

    There is only one Karate Kid, and that’ll always be Ralph Macchio. I’m actually going to protest this movie. No, I’m not going to stand outside the theater on the sidewalk with a picket sign, I’m going to protest it by, on opening day, staying home and watching the original. As far as I’m concerned, Karate Kid should always be Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita, and Elisabeth Shue (although the sequels weren’t too bad) instead of Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, and some unknown Chinese actress.

  10. codexjay says:

    lets face it the acting can not get any worse then the first one and wtf was with the next karate kid but lets face it if you r a fan of the first one it would be good 2 c some fights because there was none in the others

    • bjon86 says:

      yea SERIOUSLY!!! I liked the old one as a kid but I was always pissed that there is this movie called KARATE kid and there is no goddamn KARATE being done by him except in the end in a competition??!! I mean Karate IS meant for real world use. Not just in some retarded Competition. The rest of the movie he runs a away a lot and gets his ass HANDED to him over and over and over again and has to get saved by his master! ummmm…. yea I’d say there is some room for improvement.

  11. ThePeter says:

    Looks pretty decent actually. I’m interested.

  12. Anti-Septic says:

    I’ll see it when it comes to home video, I wouldn’t pay to see it at theater though.

    I am a fan of Jackie Chan so there is an outside chance that it could draw me to theater if boredom sets in.

  13. 420BAND says:

    Ralph Macchio IS in the Movie!

    Look very, very closely..

    closer….closer……o.k. close your eyes.

    what do you see?


    BTW Elizabeth Shue IS STILL HOT!!!!

    Loved the first, didn’t really like the 2nd except for the opening scene (probally deleted from part 1) where Kobra Kai is waiting in the parking lot for them.AWESOME..the rest not so much.

    didn’t even try the 3rd

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