Marlon Wayans starts Filming Richard Pryor Biopic this Fall

Looks like Marlon Wayans will be gluing on the velcro ’stache to portray a comic legend in the dramatic biopic of his turbulent career. Filming is set to begin this fall.

There are other more talented dramatic actors, right? What makes him perfect for this? Let’s let Marlon make his case.

“Look, I want to be able to make the stupidest movies ever, because they make people laugh and they make money,” Wayans recently said with a smirk. “But that’s not all I want to do. And I think I’ve proven to some people — the ones paying attention — that I can do more. Everybody else, well, they can wait and see and make up their mind.”

I figure that Marlon Wayans is the most likely to be able to break out of his own stereotype, so this statement has a fresh feeling of honest truth to it.

He isn’t waving his arms saying “I can do this” hoping we believe him. He is just laying it out there. Especially opening with a statement saying he enjoys making stupid movies too.

Frankly if I could coast through Hollywood banking paycheque after paycheque playing an idiot, I would do it. But honestly, if he wants to break out, he will have to prove it. And that he got this gig suggests that at least SOMEONE in charge thinks he has what it takes.

Eddie Murphy was supposed to get this gig, but for one reason or another he was decidedly not right for the job. He does a great Pryor imitation, but someone decided that Wayans was a better fit.

I didn’t think Will Smith could do drama after the silliness of the Fresh Prince, but he hits that nail hard too.

I look forward to seeing how this turns out.

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10 Responses to “Marlon Wayans starts Filming Richard Pryor Biopic this Fall”
  1. ChrisP says:

    I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt. Let’s not forget that he was in Requiem for a Dream.

  2. ChrisK says:

    Hey who thought Michael Keaton Could Play Batman? Aside from Bale he was the best one to don the cowl. I will give just about anyone a chance, and this is no acception. Murphy would have been good I think but in the end I think maybe his age played a factor. Hopefully Wayans can pull it off.

  3. 420BAND says:

    Not a Marlon hater, I like some of his stuff, especially Lady Killers(funny ass shit)but the white chicks stuff I really dont care for.
    That said I think he’s got chops on par with his other In Living Color partner Jamie(it’s all about me”)Foxx.

    well see.

    and also if I want to see a really GOOD bio on Pryor I’ve already got “Jo Jo dancer: Your life is calling”. that’s as good as it’s going to get..AND HAS PRYOR PLAYING HIMSELF.

    so can I use Remake/Re-boot in this scenario?

  4. bumbledoor says:

    I don’t know why it’s a big deal whenever an actor is revealed to be portraying a certain individual or character. Everyone gets all up in arms before they even see the finished product. Let’s at least wait until the movie comes out before we make a judgment call.

    Best recent example: Heath Ledger will be playing The Joker.

    Remember how uber-upset everyone was? But when the movie actually came out, public opinion probably did one of the biggest 180’s it has ever done in the history of mankind.

  5. Indiana Jones' Brother says:

    I think he’ll do good. He can do dramatic as was obvious in Requiem. I guess he just has more fun making stupid movies so he sticks to those more often.

  6. MyCoolNice says:

    I look forward to seeing this. I just hope that the movie is done well and has a good supporting cast. Personally I would’ve gone with mike epps but we’ll see.

  7. lortjava says:

    i think is very good movie, bug no like the actor.

  8. Ifaz says:

    Marlon was even better than Channing Tatum in G I Joe. And he has Requiem for a Dream in his filmography so I dont mind him playing the role. It’s his brother Shawn that I hate.

    • shadess says:

      They both sucked in G.I Joe =)
      Have to admit Marlon wasn’t bad in Requiem but I’m still kind of dissapointed. I really wanted to see Murphy do this instead of the usual family crap he does.

  9. Andy says:

    Marlon will probably do a good job because as already pointed out he can do drama. But it will all depend on how good the writing is as to whether he will really be any good. If it ends up being just another bio-pic homage focussing on the good rather than the bad then no matter what actor took the role it would be disappointing.

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