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Kosinski shares his Vision for The Black Hole Reboot

By Rodney - February 10, 2010 - 12:33 America/Montreal

So aptly, the guy handed the keys to the Tron sequel will also be the guy who directs the new adaptation of The Black Hole, the Disney classic live action sci-fi story. But unlike Tron, this will not be a sequel, but a reimagining - a reboot.

The Black Hole was one of those movies that was just gritty enough to forgive how campy it was. Most people are willing to forget it happened, which makes it ripe for the picking as a remake.

Cinematical spills:

The film won’t be a sequel or a prequel, but it won’t be a shot-for-shot remake, either. It will be a “reimagining” that incorporates modern science and knowledge of black holes, but will keep the iconic and nightmarish elements from the first film. “I saw The Black Hole as a little kid,” said Kosinski. “What sticks out most is the robot Maximilian. The blades and the vicious killing of Anthony Perkins. That freaked me out and that’s definitely going to be an element that will be preserved. The design of the Cygnus ship is one of the most iconic spaceships ever put to film. From a conceptual point of view, we know so much more about black holes now, the crazy things that go on as you approach them due to the intense gravitational pull and the effects on time and space. All that could provide us with some really cool film if we embrace it in a hard science way.”

I like that they are taking this in a hard science thing. It adds realism that our over informed public will be able to cling to.

I just wonder how they are going to make this more gritty is going to adapt those floating V.I.N.CENT egg-bot things.


  1. Jeremy says:

    This is very cool. I’m a fan of the original, but would love to see a modern take on it!

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    I still have the paperback novelization. I did not care for the film itself when I was young. Too much of a metaphysical WTF ending. And it was full of moldy cheese.

    ” the Disney classic live action sci-fi story.”
    Classic?! That’s a hoot.

    Black Hole is only notable for the death of Perkin’s character and the whacko ending.

    One question: isn’t “remake” a better buzzword to use that reboot? We are talking one film here, from 1979? “Remake” was what Disney was calling it last November…

  3. MichoPower says:

    I loved this film as a child…I had one of those egg shaped robot toys…I loved it!!! But when they say a reimagining with a more science heavy script I have to wonder how entertaining that will be. We already have a Black Hole movie like that and it is crazy, dark, and violent…Event Horizon (which is an awesome movie by the way). This will be interesting to keep a watch of!

    • Edvin says:

      Wouldn’t exactly call event horizon hard science. It’s a movie about opening a portal to Hell for fucks sakes. While I am writing this, I suddenly realize how idiotic my comment is going to sound, never mind. This is not the reply we are looking for, move along.

  4. Darren Prime says:

    This was the film that ignited my love for sci-fi, especially since I saw it as a kid before I watched Star Wars. I love the original (except for the drawn-out chase sequence through the ship near the end of the film), but I’d love to see a re-imagining of this story on the big screen.

    As a side note, I also love John Barry’s score for this film. The music during the “whacko ending” is one of the most haunting scores I’ve ever heard.

  5. 420BAND says:


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