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Killers Trailer Online

By Rodney - February 11, 2010 - 10:02 America/Montreal

Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher are starring in a romantic comedy action flick called Killers.

Heigl plays a woman unlucky in love until she meets Kutcher - the man of her dreams. Until she finds out that he is actually a government contract killer. He gave up his life of espionage to be with her, and now its coming back to haunt him when he finds out there is a price on his head.

The charm of Katherine Heigl has yet to wear off on me, but Kutcher certainly has.

And yet I find myself really wanting to see this. It has a bit of a True Lies thing going on, but not so serious. Could be a lot of fun.



  1. yoda says:

    that was funny, this should be good, it did kinda remind me of Mr and Misses smith thou.

  2. 140flix says:

    Another chick flick starring chick flick actors disguised as something a guy might want to see - a la Time Traveler’s Wife and Blind Side. No thanks, they got me for the last time with that “blur the lines” formula. “Kutcher… a government contract killer”??? *falls out of internet laughing*

  3. 420BAND says:

    Blind side was far from a chick flick.

    Time Traveler’s wife you shoulda seen coming my friend.

    Kutcher’s charm ran out for me after that 70′S show..

    but I dont hate seeing his movies..most of them are fun forgettables

  4. 420BAND says:

    Looks alot like that Tom Cruise/Diaz flick…


  5. GODFATHER says:

    I like it, and the fact Tom “Awesome Mustache” Sellick is in it is enough for me to watch it! Well that, and there’s a Ferrari! :D When’s that damn Magnum P I movie coming?!?!? LOL

  6. matty says:

    looks like the worst movie in the combined history of the entire universe

  7. jimf says:

    I think it looks like a lot of fun…Katherine Heigl really steals the scenes…

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