Johnny Depp talks Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Johnny Depp was caught by reporters chatting up about the upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides sharing a little bit about his role in the film.

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Johnny Depp told reporters that he would be among the very few cast members returning for the next Pirates of the Caribbean films, but insisted that the sequels wouldn’t be a one-man show. “There’s no Keira or Orlando in there,” he explained Saturday at a press conference in Hollywood, Calif. “[But] I don’t know. I don’t think we’d ever throw too much Jack Sparrow in there. There will be a little bit of everybody.”

Depp was easily the best part of the Pirates films, and his character was pivitol to the goings on, but was just one ingredient in the stew that made the film great.

I say film (singular) because I enjoyed the crap out of the first movie and am completely indifferent of the complicated mess that was the following two. Not terrible, but not as good as they could have been.

Anyways, in spite of all that I am still eager to see more Pirates films, and encouraged to hear that this will not be a Sparrow-centric film. I am sure he will be essential to the plot, but that we would be introduced to a bevvy of new cast mates is intriguing indeed.

Its long been known that Keira and Orlando were being left alone as their story is irrevocably done. But he does say that Sparrow will be of the few to return. I would suspect Barbosa, as well as crewmates Pintel and Ragetti will be present. And I think there will be a missed opportunity to not catch up with Anamaria (played by the now super popular Zoe Saldana), perhaps captaining her own ship.

Depp also continues in the interview to say that he is not disillusioned with the franchise over the firing of his friend and Disney honcho Dick Cook (who got him the Pirates gig to begin with) saying that Cook and him chatted about it (presumably after his quoted reaction) and he is happy with the angle they are approaching the new film.

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11 Responses to “Johnny Depp talks Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”
  1. Matt Keith says:

    I enjoyed all three, but they just got longer and crappier with each entry. But I have heard that this film will be in the same spirit as the original, so that does give me hope.

    I just do hope that they shorten this film to two hours. A film about pirates should only be about 90-120 minutes long.

  2. RB says:

    The problem with the sequels is that they got more and more unbelievable, even in the world they set up. From the 1st movie to the 3rd every favored character became a kick-ass fighting machine and swords men, including Keira Knightly’s character. The filmmakers fell in love with the characters and were unwilling to put them in any real harm in favor of making them all heroic. The audience never believed they were in real harm, thus the movies just got long and boring.

  3. Mykrantz says:

    If Barbossa, Jack, and Gibbs are there, I am in.

    Keys to making it good:
    Don’t wait 30 minutes into the movie for Jack to show up
    Have a little of the supernatural
    Keep the action a little less over the top but still keep it fun (for example no fights on a run away water wheel or in the middle of a giant whirlpool, but a giant skeleton Pirate fight is fine)
    Keep the audience thinking there is a possibility of Jack losing
    Give Jack someone to flirt with
    Jack isn’t a superhero he needs people to underestimate him to win, remember that.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Loved the first, was really taken back how GOOD it was. the 2nd had great visuals but was a mess story-wise. and part three fell apart for me.

    I’d like to see Barbosa again w/ all the other crew member intact (like the guy with the removable eye and his mate.)

    and of course more Jack

  5. gypsydreams101 says:

    Yay! Jacks off…..

    I might wanna rephrase that.

  6. punt says:

    Liked the first one. Couldn’t stand the second. Never bothered with the third. Probably won’t bother with the 4th either, unless it gets good word of mouth.

  7. Glenn says:

    I think I maybe the only one on the planet that doesn’t like the Pirates films?

  8. 790 says:

    The first film was a masterpiece. I didn’t see the second but the third film was cgi horrible.

  9. Gary Gibell says:

    Good News!!! Thanks for the information about this pirate movies. I just love watching pirate movies, especially if the actor is Johnny Depp. He really looks like a true pirate.
    Thanks for the news….

  10. Bob says:

    Some of the Pirates movies were on the other day and I figured out one of the big problems in the sequels. In the first movie, they didn’t write Jack Sparrow, they wrote a cunning pirate that Depp turned into Sparrow.

    Watch the first movie, and every Sparrow line could be replaced with a Han Solo-type portrayal and work. Sparrow was written as cunning, a few steps ahead of others with a trick or two up his sleeve. Depp took that and added the portrayal that made it even better by making everyone else think he was mad and letting them underestimate him.

    For the sequels, they seemed to just take Depp’s portrayal and run with it, trying to add every wacky situation they could think of for Jack to be crazy in.

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