International Clash of the Titans Trailer Online

A new International Trailer for Clash of the Titans is online, and the more I see, the more I want to see this. We don’t get to see much that wasn’t in the domestic trailer, but it is a tiny bit more

Also, the more they play that inappropriate music, the more I hope its just in the trailer. The driving power chord rock just doesn’t fit with sword and sandals mythology genre films. Its not as terrible as the synth soundtrack of Ladyhawke, as it is a good song. Just not for this style of film.

Also… Gemma is just angelic.


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20 Responses to “International Clash of the Titans Trailer Online”
  1. Steven says:

    The hard rock worked well for 300.

    I can’t wait to see this.

  2. James(haz) says:

    An entire genre shouldn’t be assigned to a single type of music; since a movie’s job is to be original, especially now that everything is a reboot, sequel or prequel.

    So, i dont frown upon this type of music on the trailer as much… as long as the music fits the FEELING of the movie, its all good.
    And in this trailer, the feeling is angry action, monsters and war epicness… in my opinion, this particular song also fits the bill.

    • James(haz) says:

      ALTHOUGH i do completely understand were youre coming from Rodney… rock and sand & sword dont go together.

      and that ^^^ equation makes a WHOLE LOT of sense… but since the feeling of the song and trailer are alike… it works.

      i also admit to love that song, but im putting that aside… i think it sounds cool with this type of action =p

    • Rodney says:

      So is it original to have Roman soldiers saying Fuck in Sparticus? Or does it just remove you from the setting?

      They might as well interrupt nobles’ meetings like Kanye West and apologize by saying “my bad”

      It distracts.

      The music is cool, and I do like it. But not in this.

      • tzaylor says:

        talking about removing you from the setting: How about the first time you watched ‘A Knight’s Tale’ and they started chanting “we will, we will rock you” at the first tournament. i was definitely not expecting that.

    • James(haz) says:

      Okay Rodney, Ive made a conclusion.

      Youre right.

      BUT, even though i know im wrong, i do LOVE how the music goes with the trailer. You are right, but they did a beautiful job of making that song FEEL right.

      If I may add to your complaint of “Its distracting” i would like to point out that they all have Brittish accents even though theyre Greek

      Spartacus seems stupid, i havent seen ONE episode but it seems like a 300 ripoff, not to mention the black guy in Spartacus WAS in 300 as well.

      And they said “fuck” back then as well. Just not in English, obviously

      • Rodney says:

        I am sure they had some sort of cuss, but they drop “fuck” and “fucking” in a very modern context that pulls me out of the period this film is supposed to be in.

        Like in Knights Tale (guilty pleasure but bad movie) where the girl armourer makes armour from metal alloys not yet invented and uses a Nike Swoosh as her “mark” and the modern music took me right out of that film. Change the soundtrack and drop the superarmour scene and that movie is 300% better.

        And I have watched the first ep of Sparticus, and it is trying to be a 300 ripoff with some very stylized “graphic novel” effects. I don’t think I will be watching any more of it.

      • James(haz) says:

        Im really not that savvy about the time period of gladiators, but i always thought they were more primitive and more likely to say cuss words every 3 seconds.
        But if they say it in a modern way like you mentioned, then its retarded.
        “My blade broke…fuck my life, dude.”

        Woah! Knights Tale was a good movie!
        But i missed the Nike swish and the “we will rock you!” TZAYLOR mentioned, now i gotta watch it again

        I could have told you that lol.

        In my local theater, we went to see Sherlock Holmes, and before the previews they show commercials (FUCK YOU AMC THEATERS, FUCK YOOOUUU!) and when they showed the Spartacus one, everyone laughed at how similar it was to Gladiator and 300

  3. ramsey says:

    i get you may not like the used’s song in this preview, i loved it. i got it in my ipod after i saw preview. and this isnt the first time rock music was used for a sword and sandals trailer. do you know what song was used to promote “Gladiator”? “bawwiddiba” by kid rock. the heavy guitar,and fast paced music, to me, gets me amped for the film, like it would amp me up for working out. but i totally see your point, maybe playing “gladiator ” theme from the arena chariot sequence would suit your taste buds for the trailer better.

    • Rodney says:

      I didnt say I didn’t like the song. I said it doesn’t fit the genre of film they are going for.

      This is supposed to be mythology/fantasy peice set in ancient Greece - not a rockapalooza festival.

  4. tzaylor says:

    I just don’t know about this movie. The trailers arent’ doing for me what they seem to be doing for you guys. I do love the way gemma looks and I love the scenes with Pegasus…I guess I just want it to have the same mythical feel as the original. The trailers are definitely appealing more to the blunt action and the CGI crowd, not to the nostalgic old men.

  5. James(haz) says:

    Yeah- by the way…

    So like, hy the fuck is Pegasus black?

    • Rodney says:

      Why not?

      Where is it written that all flying horses are white?

    • James(haz) says:

      No were.
      But its written on every book that the one that Poseidon made, was white.

      Where is it written that Spiderman isnt supposed to wear pink tights with a Nazi sign on each shoulder?

      This is what i hate about hollywood, they take something known and change it completely… because they want their movie to be original, but instead of being original, they just basterdize the look of something known, UGH.

      THIS is exactly why i was complaining the other day about being scared they would
      “Give Thor rollerblades and an electric guitar”
      “Make Captain America wear a hoodie and a fanny-pack”

  6. Dragonslayer says:

    Ralph Fiennes, motherfucker! Let’s do this!

    I personally don’t agree with all this talk of the music. It’s just a trailer. I do agree about Gemma though, hot damn…

  7. Roman says:

    I want so much to be pumped for this movie I mean it has all of the ingredients that I am usually in for but for some reason I am not in on this. Sam Worthington going someone has to take a stand threw me off hard for some reason I don’t know man.

    This movie is a hate the face for me.

    Hate the face means like you meet someone and know nothing about them but you see their face and you don’t like them.

  8. 420BAND says:

    Using the word FUCK can kill the vibe..

    just like (for me) in Deadwood. every other word was FUCK.

    it’s was laughable.
    and kept me from watching the show and taking it serious..

    That said.

    I love the Word

  9. 420BAND says:

    My hate the face?

    Jon Voight
    Rickey Gervanis
    Russel Brand
    Mark(how’s your motha?)Wahlberg

    • Roman says:

      Russel Brand is a total Hate the Face

      Jake, don’t call me “Toby” Gyllenhaal

      Meg Ryan

      Cynthia Nixon

      Matthias Hues …. Oh wait I LOVE MATTHIAS HUGHES!! I come in peace Bitches FTW!

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