Greg Brelanti to Write and Direct The Flash

Looks like Greg Berlanti is leading the contenders and is suspected to be hired on to write and direct DC’s big screen adaptation of The Flash!

Obsessed with Film offers:

They say former Dawson’s Creek and current Eli Stone writer Greg Berlanti is the leading contender to write and direct the long in-gestation adaptation of DC’s fastest superhero.

This shouldn’t be all-together that surprising as we know Warner Bros are keen on Berlanti having previously hired him to write and direct The Flash’s Justice League buddy Green Lantern.

Despite the WB canning him on the Green Lantern gig, they were impressed with his writing and want to give him another try with Flash.

Maybe this time he will be a better fit for this snarky speedster and bring an entertaining and faithful adaptation to the screen.

Time will tell.

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27 Responses to “Greg Brelanti to Write and Direct The Flash”
  1. cloud720 says:


    Did he ever do more than write for Dawson’s creek? I hope so. It wouldn’t be a very good idea to put $150 million project in his hands otherwise.

  2. Lawrence says:

    I’d say they cast Jeremy Renner as Barry Allen / Flash. He’s perfect for the role.

    • Rodney says:

      They need someone funny. Renner hasn’t proven he can do comedy. Just because his name is hot right now with Oscar potential, doesnt mean they should name him for every film.

      I have always thought Reynolds trademark snarkiness would be perfect for flash, but after Deadpool, and obviously now that he is Lantern, I don’t want him there.

      • cloud720 says:

        Would I be wrong for naming Chris Pine then? Considering that I am only doing so because of star trek.

      • Lawrence says:

        Ryan Reynolds should’ve been cast as Barry Allen or Wally West. His name has been tied to those Flash rumors for years. The Hal Jordan/Green Lantern role should’ve been given to someone else, like Sam Worthington or anyone.

        Chris Pine can do comedy and action altogether. Perhaps he should be Flash? But I like Renner more for this role.

      • Rodney says:

        Pine would be ok, but as much as he has proven himself to have a grasp on different characters, I wouldn’t say comedy is his big win. Not to say it isn’t either.

        If you were suggesting him JUST because his role in Trek made him a name, then yes. I would say that was misguided. But he wouldnt be a terrible choice once you consider him for more valid reasons.

        I would just prefer to see someone who has a strong comedic presence.

      • Kaneda979 says:

        I thought Ryan Reynolds was the great choice for Flash as well. I kind of though it was weird they gave him Green Lantern instead and missed a golden opportunity for him to play a Really great Flash.

        But I think he’ll still make a good GL and he still playing Marvel’s comedic mouth, Deadpool.

        As for who I think should play Flash, at the moment no one comes to mind. But he should be in his young thirties, or look like he is, be really funny, can also do serious dramatic moments, a bit of cockiness and of coarse act like a super hero. ;)

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        Help me out here.

        Why must the Flash “be funny” ?

      • Rodney says:

        The Flash has always been the comic relief of the Justice League.

        He has his serious moments, but he is always snarky.

  3. Pman-67 says:

    Is the movie going to be based on Barry or Wally? If it’s based on Barry I can see them going more serious with the role, Wally was the jokerster of the two.

  4. Ifaz says:

    Bradley Cooper for The Flash! He would be PERFECT. Everyone knows he is good with comedy and he’ll know how to do action from The A-Team.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      He’s also good with the horror genre too. Midnight Meat Train.
      Good choice, be it Barry or Wally.

      Do I think he’ll get an offer? Nope.
      But good choice.

      • Ifaz says:

        Case 39 is also in his horror bag. Still it wasn’t good as MMT but Cooper was cool as always.

        Speaking of Meat Train, I have to say this. You remember that very last scene after which the credits rolled? You remember the look he gave us. It was creepier than the whole movie itself.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Bradley Cooper for The Flash! C,mon man No Bradley for anything Super heroes please!

    as much as I dislike Reynolds for Green Lantern…He actually fits the bill for Flash Perfectly..Too Bad

    and it’s about time for this to get rolling(somewhat anyways)

    Hope the running effects look good. cause that T.V. Series was weak on effects.

    and we really havent seen the speed effect in ANY superhero film yet.

  6. TDot says:

    Wait for it……wait for it……NPH!!!!!!!

    Would be Legen….hope your not lactose intolerant!…..DARY!!!!

  7. 420BAND says:


  8. The Jewsh Effect says:

    He was awesome in Star Trek. Lawrence is right, Pine can do action & comedy together. That’s what the Flash needs.
    In my mind, he’d be the perfect Barry Allen

  9. NoLa says:

    I would LOVE if they went with an older Barry and cast NPH. He’d be so perfect and his voice is already synonymous with the character in a way.

    • middleman says:

      Wasn’t there an NPH rumor a while back? I’d love it. Guy is a GREAT actor.

      I hope it is Wally. Barry Allen is old school, but as a character he was an absolute dud.

      Wally West is one of the best characters in DC history. He was funny and likeable.

  10. 420BAND says:

    NPH as in Doogie Housier?

    (and why is it people are now going with initials on names too!)

    old school people……OLD SCHOOL.

    That shit would be laughable.

    Harold and Kumar could cameo?

  11. Darren J Seeley says:

    The real question isn’t who will play Flash.
    Or how well Greg Brelanti may or may not do, how “qualified” he is or any of that nonsense.

    It’s who he selects as the villain.
    Flash has the lamest rouges gallery known to man.

    • Lawrence says:

      Professor Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) and Savitar are cool villains in Flash’s rogues gallery. Captain Cold is the lame villain .

  12. Damnation says:

    Chris Evans is perfect 4 wally west!!

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