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Full Toy Story 3 Trailer Online

By Rodney - February 11, 2010 - 20:19 America/Montreal

Earlier today we talked about the sneak peek trailer that Pixar was slated to post today, and thanks to ThinkHero we actually have the full embed to offer you!

Check it out:

Looks like it is taking a few twists and turns, but I wish they didnt show us the whole Daycare Toys inner circle bit. Now I will be suspicious of all of them.

And I was a little surprised that THAT particular Ken doll was attracted to Barbie. Just didn’t seem to be his type if you know what I mean.

Still, Pixar has never let me down, so I am all in!


  1. Schulzy says:

    Train explosions, eh? This is looking amazing!

  2. Justin says:

    Looks like it’s got a ton of stuff going for it I can’t wait to see it! I may just see it on my birthday!

  3. cloud720 says:

    “And I was a little surprised that THAT particular Ken doll was attracted to Barbie. Just didn’t seem to be his type if you know what I mean.”

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    • RonSalon says:

      LOL, I thought the same thing. However, I think we both might be right. After all, he didn’t like her dirty pillows — he liked her leg warmers.

  4. Castle91 says:

    This looks great. The teasers didn’t really do much for me, but this trailer assures me that I will be seeing it in theatres.

  5. Gonzalo says:

    Great! can’t wait until I watch it.

  6. Dan says:

    Looks like Ken will be a psychologically complex character. And he bears a striking resemblence to Fred from Scoobie Doo (ascot and all).

  7. bobsyeruncle says:

    Looks friggin’ brilliant, and not surprising.

  8. Andrew says:

    Damn it. This got my expectations up. I just hope it doesn’t let me down like The Simpsons Movie did. But, then again, this is Pixar we’re talking about, and like John said when he was still around, if there is one bad thing about Pixar, it’s that they don’t know how to make a bad movie. And yes, that includes Cars, which, to me, is a very underrated film.

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