First Look at Danny Glover in Dragon Fire

Danny Glover might just be too old for this shit, and when I heard “Moby Dick with Dragons” I thought maybe he was a little crazy.

But when I saw this first look in the novel adaptation and saw Glover’s Ahab, it looks like they are staying pretty loyal to the book’s themes, and just transplanting it into a fantasy setting.

One of the things I always cling to when considering an adaptation of a book to film is the spirit and message of the story. The word adaptation MEANS change for a different environment, and while not every adaptation does a good job of it, this one looks like it would be a fitting step to adapt the film into a different genre.

For instance, DiCaprio and Danes in Romeo and Juliet did a beautiful retelling without changing any of the original dialogue and prose of the master bard. They updated it to modern times and it worked rediculously well. Love that movie.

As for this, I am surprised it got this far into production and I didn’t hear about it. I will be keeping an eye out for this.


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9 Responses to “First Look at Danny Glover in Dragon Fire”
  1. Matt Keith says:

    “Moby Dick with Dragons”? Okay, I’m in.

  2. bigsampson says:

    “most know him from lethal weapon”

    no i know him for supporting a evil and ruthless murderer known as Hugo Chavez.

  3. Castle91 says:

    I don’t know about this one…

  4. Jim says:

    I’m down with the concept, but this looks cheesy.

  5. 420BAND says:

    What happened to the Gloveman?

    I mean the 80’s-90’s were good to him

    last thing I know the cabdrivers in N.Y.C. wont stop for him, then POOF we dont see him for awhile. Then he turns up in “The Royal Tannenbuaems” looking worn, but a solid performance. Then we get the travesty of “Be Kind, Rewind”….
    (I dont know where this is going anymore)



  6. Anti-Septic says:

    Yea, really bizarre concept. Sure glad Hollywood isn’t running out of ideas.

    I’ll wait for this on home video.

    • tzaylor says:

      home video should be the only place this piecer should go.

      • Rodney says:

        And you know this ultimately because you have seen the movie in its entirety and therefore can fully judge if this merits a theatrical release?

        Dude, you might choose to wait for home video, but you have hardly seen anything that would justify this statement.

      • alex says:

        judging by the cast and crew and this featurette, i’m guessing this movie is going direct to video too. I can’t see this movie being put on the big screen. I mean, look at that cheesy looking dragon puppet.

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