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Emily Browning to be Sleeping Beauty - Not what you Think

By Rodney - February 10, 2010 - 12:22 America/Montreal

This isn’t your typical fairy tale adapted to the big screen, but Emily Browning has been tapped for the lead in Sleeping Beauty.

Now hold your horses and get anything pure and innocent about that story out of your head so you are not as jarred as I was reading this news.

Now don’t go that far in the other direction you midget gangbang fetish freaks… back it up to something far less sensationalist but still gritty and shocking.

Screen Junkies writes:

Sucker Punch’s Emily Browning’s star is on the rise and it looks like she’s not afraid to shed her child star image. She’s just signed on for Sleeping Beauty, an erotic thriller about “a student who drifts into prostitution and finds her niche as a woman who sleeps, drugged while men do to her what she can‘t remember the next morning.”

I hope that this does yank Browning out of the kiddy roles, but at the same time I pray this isn’t her Showgirls.

Elizabeth Berkley wanted to be taken seriously as an adult actor and now the best she gets is acne infomercials. Fortunately for Browning, I see far more potential as an actress, but I might skip this as not to have her heavenly beauty and full lips be spoiled by such graphic imagery.

Miss Brown, Couldn’t you just get cast in an Apatow film? I swear I would take you serious as an adult then.


  1. FunkyMunkey says:

    Me likey!

  2. MichoPower says:

    Me too…that chick is HOT!!!

  3. Ifaz says:

    Looks like in real life she is as innocent as her character in ‘The Uninvited’.

  4. matty says:

    So, will Maleficent be her pimp/drug dealer?

  5. cloud720 says:

    Wtf. So let me get this straight, this movie is about a girl that gets paid to be date raped?

  6. Danny says:

    I’m kinda with cloud720 on this one. Even if there is a clear cut definition of what is allowed and not allowed while she is in that state there is still the issue of her being drugged and therefore in a state in which she really has no defense against her clients doing something that she would otherwise not allow.

    • cloud720 says:

      Its not just her safety. I am thinking what kinda person would pay for that.

      I thought the appeal of date rape was that if you didn’t drug the chick, you wouldn’t get any otherwise. But if you were paying for it she would do it while awake, and it might be more interesting than her body just laying there.

      But I guess I wouldn’t know about this subject. Any date rapist around that care to share their opinion?

      • Danny says:

        Maybe in the minds of her clientel its more about not having to interact (the type just want to get in and get out as quickly as possible) with her than getting a thrill out of specifically doing things that she would not allow (the type that would cross the line to get their own kicks).

        The former can be called creepy for not wanting to ineteract with her but more than likely either don’t want to violate her or are too scared to so. The latter are the dangerous ones that will probably go straight to doing the very things she tells them not to do just to get a kick out of violating her ala Hostel. Have to think on this some more…

      • cloud720 says:

        If you pay for it I am sure you could find the right person to do whatever you like. The only thing I can imagine is that it is a person that gets off on date rape. If rape is about being in control and being dominate then what is date rape about? Its not really the same thing. Both set of people are disturbing to me, but I can understand the reasoning behind one and not the other.

        Whatever the reason is, I would like to see it explained. A person like this seems strange. I hope they will try to get into that mind set as well as a person who would want to be paid to have that happen to them.

  7. Cinema Phreak says:

    I thought Burton was in consideration to direct Sleeping Beauty, after we see how alice goes. If burton is in fact in line to direct, would a lead actress even be in consideration at this point?

    • Rodney says:

      Uh, did you read the post? The success or failure of Alice will have no impact on who might have directed this.

      This is not the fairy tale… clearly.

  8. 420BAND says:

    heavenly beauty and full lips be soiled by such graphic imagery….

    oh, it says spoiled……never mind!

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