Columbus talks Gremlins and Goonies Sequels

Chris Columbus was cornered at the premier of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and asked him about some retro properties that have been making the rumour mill runs lately.

Specifically Gremlins, which has been rumoured to be headed for an updated Gremlins that could be a remake or 3D sequel. Well Chris Columbus and Steven Spielberg know nothing about that .. so if its going to happen it will be without them.

But he also talks about a potential Goonies sequel he gets asked about that isn’t happening yet. shares:

A few days ago, I saw Steve Spielberg, and I asked him the question you just asked me, because I was reading something on the Internet and he said, “Nobody’s talked to me about it either.” So maybe it’s going on behind our backs.

Well what do past films that you’ve worked on do you really want to see come back as a sequel or a reboot?

Well, always the Goonies. I’d love to see another Goonies movie out there, people ask me about it all the time. The kids would have to be the parents, and their kids would be the Goonies. We just need something, as Steven said the other day, he said, “How do you beat finding an entire pirate ship filled with treasure underground? What can be as exciting?” So we have to come up with something that can be equally as exciting.

I think that is the key. Goonies is a fun silly film, but honestly what kind of adventure can you come up with that would be plausible for a bunch of kids to undertake that could top that.

Maybe the Goonie parents will have told their adventure story to their kids and the kids plot a plan to find the pirate ship that floated out to sea? Treasure hunting is a hot topic lately. But then how do they make that appealing and remotely believable that these kids could do anything about that.

But if the right people are asking for it, I am sure they will give it a shot or at least entertain script treatments for it. They just need the right people to start talking about it.

I loved the Goonies.

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6 Responses to “Columbus talks Gremlins and Goonies Sequels”
  1. kingl says:

    HEY YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!

    They need Sloth back.

    • Andrew says:

      You can’t have Sloth back, unfortunately. The actor who played Sloth in the original movie, John Matuszak, sadly passed away back on June 17th, 1989. It would’ve been great to have him back, sure, but it just can’t happen now.

  2. Mattman says:

    I liked Goonies as well, hard to believe that little kid is Samwise from LotR…but I could do without ever seeing Sloth again.

  3. David Lopan says:

    Goonies sequel? No thanks. Let the movie be awesome on it’s own.

  4. 420BAND says:

    Josh Brolin as a dad….I can totally see that..

    just keep out an alien story..

    that’s what killed Indy 4

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    From the idea of a possible sequel as thought of above, it *does* fit into a Speilbergian mode. I can totally see a group of adults rediscovering their youth and helping out their kids, etc. I can also see the film called Goonies Forever or something to that effect.

    Please note that I was NOT a fan of the original. But what I am saying is the concept works.

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