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Christian Bale and Kermit - An Observation

By Rodney - February 20, 2010 - 23:47 America/Montreal

While clearly there are a few of these that were photoshopped, it is alarming how they could match this many Christian Bale pictures to Kermit the Frog by similarity.

I don’t believe there is any direct connection to the two, or any message to be shared, but it was random and whimsical. I just had to share. I hope we don’t overload the Photobucket accounts hosting these or it may be short lived.

What do Christian Bale and Kermit the Frog have in common? More than you might realize… (and yes, clearly I have far too much time on my hands.)

Source: Various Google image searches (+ a whole lot of free time)



  1. Matt Keith says:


  2. Rob Heath says:

    Haha. I am watching American Psycho right now, and then I stumble across this post. Funny. Wow this page scrolls for days. So many photos!

  3. Brendan says:

    Impressive gallery, Rodney- well done!

    My favourite is the snake-chewing ones.

  4. Lawrence says:

    Nice gallery.. Could Bale have tadpole genes? lol

  5. Shane says:

    It’s official. It was Kermit all along.

  6. Kaneda979 says:

    HAHA! That’s just awesome and weird.

    Great pics, I love Kermit. I especially like the comparison of Kermit on a motor scooter and Bale on the Bat Cycle, too funny. Also the one with Kermit showing off his “abs”, with a towel over his crotch. That’s one sexy frog. ;)

    The one of Kermit with a green afro is priceless as well.

  7. James says:

    you did this???

    Woah thats so AWESOME.

    And dont say “i have too much time on my hands”
    what you did was pretty rad

    Everytime someone says “I have too much time on my hands” it means that they did something really cool thats SO COOL they have to say that to bring it down a notch

    LMFAO im still looking at them, im showing my sister this…

    • Rodney says:

      Actually, I just found this. If I had done it I would be all over taking credit, but this guy did a great job.

      The link (Via) is to some guy’s livejournal post, and the images are on photobucket.

      I just shared.

      • James (Haz) says:


        sorry, i didnt read that because it was all the way in the bottom, and there were too many pictures so i missed it.

        Kudos to whoever did this.

  8. artgrrl says:

    they’re frealy similar! thanx for making my day!

  9. 420BAND says:

    Disclaimer: Reworded….

    I’d like to see a mug shot of Kermit taken on the night of the Premiere of the new muppet movie.

    Word on the street was he tried to push miss Piggy around after an altercation..


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