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Centurion Trailer Online

By Rodney - February 12, 2010 - 12:40 America/Montreal

Centurion is Neill Marshall’s (The Descent) sword and sandal film, that looks to take place in the first 15 minutes of Gladiator. That opening battle in Gladiator that shows Crowe leading his men into battle in hopes that if they die it will be glorious and for Rome. It was inspiring and brutal.

Centurion looks like it will be all about that side of battle and less about the gladiatoral arena. After a legion gets wiped out by the merciless Pict warriors, a handful of survivors head off to reclaim their captured General and kill the Pict warrior queen.

The film looks pretty solid, but I was distracted at the mention of Olga Kurylenko as the warrior queen who is causing all this trouble for the Romans. But the trailer implies that she has no speaking lines, so at least she looks good. She’s not that bad looking but I can’t wrap my head around a 90lb girl as a warrior, and she takes acting tips from Megan Fox.

No word as to when this might drift over the pond to the US, but they are talking about releasing it in the UK sometime this year.


  1. SlashBeast says:

    Apparently BC means “Before Colour”.

  2. Shinobi says:

    It looks quite good but really generic at the same time. The big factor here is if it’s going to be enjoyable/watchable with all that shaky Cam and quick editing. I know that they have to cut the fights in the trailer so that they don’t show blood or any kind of gore but it’s still pretty shaky. It was the biggest flaw of Gladiator, that and shooting people too tight from the waist up.

  3. ADOX says:

    this would be right up Doug Nagy’s alley

  4. Kaneda979 says:

    Not bad. Looks kind of low budget for this kind of film, but still looks good.

    Even though Doomsday was all over the damn place, story wise, Neill Marshall is a great director and I love his camera style and sense of action/drama.

  5. gypsydreams101 says:

    This looks corny as hell…..what’s up with the cheesy dialogue: “We’re so far behind enemy lines”. “We either live united or die divided”? Eh? And that overhead shot with the dead soldiers is exactly like the one used in 300…..except you KNOW that that hand will rise up or one of the soldiers will have a stiffy…..or both.

    I have a feeling this will bomb.

  6. Dave says:

    Damn, that trailer sucked monkey balls. If I didn’t know any better I would say Uwe Boll got himself a good Director of Photography.

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