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Cars 2 Leaves Summer 2011 Traffic Jam - Moved To Dec 2011

By Rodney - February 10, 2010 - 11:53 America/Montreal

Summer theater visits are made for a few things for me. Massive blockbuster popcorn flicks, and of course Disney’s latest offering from Pixar.

Summer 2011 will have to make due without the charmed animation studio as they have now announced their planned release of Cars 2 will be bumped to December 2011!

Cinematical shares:

Walt Disney has announced a release date change for Cars 2, from June 24th, 2011 to December of 2011. The announcement came during the company’s first quarter earnings call on Tuesday, and it’s the third release date the film has been given so far (after originally posting a 2012 date, then moving to summer 2011)

Shuffling Cars2 to another timeslot will leave a late June vacancy one week after Green Lantern and a week before Transformers 3, so it is unclear as to who would jump on that new open spot. Could be suicide, but it could be a green parking spot.

I am not that excited for a Cars 2 (would rather an Incredibles 2) but the Holiday Season is as good as any to see a Pixar film.


  1. Matt Keith says:

    I LOVED “Cars”, but I don’t care for a sequel at all. I’m much more interested in a sequel to “The Incredibles” at this point.

  2. moronic50 says:

    Disney have released a press release stating that Cars 2 has NOT been moved to December, it’s staying in its original Summer slot.

  3. Andrew says:

    THANK YOU! The Incredibles has so much potential to make a great sequel. It’s a superhero movie! You’ve got plenty of options there!
    I really wanna see Dash and Violet grown up and Jack-jack a little older and learning to use his powers.
    I thought Cars was alright, but it didn’t really stick with me…

  4. SlashBeast says:

    Cars was average, easily Pixar’s worst. But I’m hoping a sequel can reddem it.

  5. matty says:

    Cars…..could’ve been a Dreamworks animated film

  6. tzaylor says:

    It’s funny that they are making a sequel out of their worst movie.

    Incredibles was the best Pixar movie.

    • kal07 says:

      Its not actually funny if you know Cars is their best Merchandise. Money talks my friend.
      I love Cars and you don’t have any right in saying its their worst movie, its subjective. Thats your personal opinion. Ask the Studio and they will tell you how good Cars was, don’t make silly assumptions.

      • Rodney says:

        Agreed. Every film is subjective, and while Cars may be that poster’s least favourite you cannot absolutely quantify it as their worst.

        Walk into any Toy Store or Walmart and there are still Toy Story and Cars toys all up and down the aisles. Is there Incredibles toys? Bugs Life? Up?

        This makes perfect sense for them to choose from a financial point of view. Cars made them the least money at the boxoffice but both Toy Story and Cars are still selling merch without current films to get kids craving it. Imagine with another movie… and they are coming.

    • SlashBeast says:

      It WAS their worst. And, Toy Story is their best.

  7. Jeremy says:

    Best and worst are subjective. My kids both LOVE Cars, and while I don’t think it was Pixar’s best, it wasn’t the worst (I think that was A Bugs Life). And, while I would love to see an Incredibles sequel, I still hold out hope that Monsters Inc. will come back some time.

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