Captain America Casting Shortlist Announced

The days are getting short and Marvel films has a very small window to announce their Captain America if they are to keep their promise to reveal their pick by the end of this month.

The Hollywood Reporter offered up the shortlist of contenders who were called in for screen tests and speculation says that they may choose from this list.

John Krasinski
Ok, right away I wanted to give benefit of the doubt to this guy. But I was trying to find pictures of him online (that didnt make him look like a dork) for the sake of this article and I realized this guy might forever be known as Jim Halpert from The Office.

This might help him outrun the typecasting, but I can’t ever see this guy as Cap. Maybe before the supersoldier project? Nope. Can’t see him in this at all.

Michael Cassidy
Again, unless they want to CG some serious meat on this guy or invent a REAL supersoldier serum, he is NO Captain America. He was charming as all hell in his brief appearance on Smallville, and played the eager rich ivy league guy trying to outrun his family legacy in Privelged, but I can’t see this guy as Cap
Patrick Flueger
While this guy does have some fit to him, and aside from his role on 4400 he is a relative unknown to the big screen but still no stranger. But I haven’t seen much with him in it so its hard to judge his presence. He is still a little small for what the fanboys want, but I wonder if they will ever be happy with Cap’s size no matter who is cast.

Just to vague for me to form an opinion on just yet. I will throw this to a maybe.

Scott Porter
This Friday Night Lights star has the meat, but still not massive. He was cast in FNL for his middle American apple pie appeal and that could certainly work in his favour here. Good lookin kid, wholesome and strong.

Getting closer.

Wilson Bethel
This guy has a chiseled jaw just begging to be stuck under a superhero cowl and he appears to be in fine physical form too. This guy is a soap star, and while he has had more physical roles like in Generation Kill, I still don’t know much about him.
Mike Vogel
This guy just screams Cap to look at him. He is certainly in shape and was once featured on the cover of Men’s Health magazine making my wife swoon and me inspect my belly. He could defeat Nazis just by making them feel insecure.

This guy lost the role of Kirk to Chris Pine, so maybe he will have better luck here.

Chase Crawford
Chase was rumoured to be on this short list, but with scheduling conflicts they didn’t even give him a shot at this. But still wanted to chime in on him in the role.

He is a little too prettyboy for me to see as Cap, but he is fit and isn’t a half bad actor. He will be playing Ren McCormack in the Footloose remake… so we will have to see how he does outside the ivy league. As for Cap, I am good with him NOT in the role.

Captain Awesome
Ok, he wasn’t even shortlisted. I just throw this in there because I would love to see this guy get the gig. While he might not be in the running, I just wanted to throw in my dark horse vote here. He is in great shape, strong features, all American type, and well….

He is awesome.

Garret Hedlund
Another guy who managed not to be available but was still on the call list. He is getting a pass because if he was picked, they couldn’t use him.

I am ok with that too. This guy just hasn’t impressed me much as an actor, and really doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would have the presence of Cap.

Jensen Ackles
Ackles is another guy being left out of consideration because of scheduling conflicts, but he has been a fan favourite for the role so far. I think he would be great as Cap, but for now he is officially out of the running. They have to get this actor in gear really fast to meet their schedule, and Ackles just doesn’t look to have the free time to do it.

I like aspects of many of the shortlist guys, but none really scream the whole package for me. Maybe Ackles, but he isn’t going to give up Supernatural and his other projects for this role, though I can hope.

So if they had to choose from this list, who would it be for you? Of course if none of them strike a chord with the casting directors, then they might not make their deadline to announce the big screen Cap.

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32 Responses to “Captain America Casting Shortlist Announced”
  1. MBanno says:

    Mike Vogel is cool. But if I had my way I’d go with Paul Walker, no questions asked…but then he may be a bit busy with Fast Five.

  2. Chris says:

    I just wonder where Chris Pine is. I guess the rumors were wrong.

  3. 420BAND says:

    Who are these people?


  4. cloud720 says:

    I like Supernatural and Dean. My Bloody Valentine was god awful. That movie was so bad to me that I can’t even register if Jensen gave a bad performance or not.

    He certainly has the look though.

    As for everyone else, I can’t judge because I’ve never seen them before. That one guy does have the jaw line though.

  5. Leigh says:

    Definitely Jensen Ackles. He has the acting skills and the charisma. What a pity he can’t do it!

  6. mE says:

    I would go good with Garrett Hedlund…he hasn’t impressed you much as an actor? maybe you should check out Death Sentence and Four Brothers…i also think he has the look going too…just my opinion…

  7. Derek 8-Track says:

    I like John Krasinski. Anyone can bulk up, so his beanpole-ness is not a problem, nor is it with anyone on this list. but what i like most about Krasinski is that he kind of has that All American, Normal Rockwell illustration look to him. dopey ears and all. I think this would be a great angle for the character. better than all the pretty boys in the mix anyway. start out as some regular American guy and then super soldier project happens and BAM! All American Guy with Huge Muscles

  8. bigsampson says:

    these choices all FAIL

  9. TDot says:

    Heaven forbid we delay a project so we can get the best actor for the role.

    Jesen Ackles 4TW!!!!!!

  10. James says:

    Out of this list, Mike Vogel.

  11. Darren J Seeley says:

    That question is all too easy. I said it the other day.

    Mike Vogel.
    (second runner up would be FNL Scott Porter.)

  12. Jim says:

    Ugh…just like Thor, Cap should look like he has some miles on him, late 30’s at least IMO. Square jaw, all business looking.
    He certainly shouldn’t look like a kid…this list is horrible.

  13. Ryan says:

    Patrick Flueger was great in 4400. I miss that show in general. I think that some of these people (including Fleuger) could look the part with a little bulking up and movie magic, but aren’t they all a bit young? I’d picture Captain America looking more like 40-50, not 25-30.

  14. cloud720 says:

    You know, forget about Robert Downey Jr acting circles around Cap for a second. I also don’t want to see a Captain America that looks like RDJ could kick his ass. And some of the people on this list don’t look like they would stand a chance.

    now that I thought about that, I still don’t want a Cap that RDJ would act circles around.

  15. 420BAND says:

    Assuming that RDJ is actually going to sign up for the avengers.

    I think we may get Hulk in all CGI and no Bruce Banner.(and definitely not Norton)

    and for Ol’ Shell head, I’m skeptical.

    we may get RDJ Cameos and not much else in these lead-in’s.

    But Yeah a Too Young, Too doe-eyed Cap would suck Balls.

    Out of this whole list (Where’s Pine?) The geek from the office is the best Actor!(away with me, it’s complicated)(I dont watch the office)

    Hard Sell Though.

  16. DirkAnger says:

    Captain Awesome is still my dark horse. That dude just has the look for Cap & he can act. I gotta say though…Jim from the Office??? Really??? Wow. Not to knock Krasinski as an actor or anything but Captain Friggin America??? Dwight is more physically intimidating for God sake.


    Ok before i start on this witty reply can i just give a big shout out to Rodney & Co for doing an amazing job with TMB. It’s 03.30am here in the UK & I have just sat through a film called The Rules Of Attraction & the thought came to me that James Van Der Beek would make an ok Cap! He has the jaw for it and yes needs building up but could do the part………….sorry yes Dawson as Cap ha ha i think i have had to much to drink. :) Ok how about Ian Somerhalder as the Flash????

  18. Ifaz says:

    From the list: Mike Vogel.

    Not from the list: Chad Michael Murray(I still think he is the best choice so far.)

    Garrett Hedlund is awesome but not Cap material.

  19. Anti-Septic says:

    I’m with everyone here wishing its Jensen Ackles, I would be ok with Captain Awesome or even Mike Vogel.

    The thing about Ackles is…. he has that moody persona that is a Captain America trademark. From the choices above, I just don’t see that in a lot of those pretty boys listed.

    For someone not in consideration, I would also be ok with Paul Walker.

  20. Cherry Jubilee says:

    What’s up with people wanting Paul Walker? Don’t they realize he would immediately discredit the movie because he is a horrible actor?

    And none of these actors ’scream’ Captain America because if they did, they would be Captain America. This is why they are ‘actors’. This is also why they get a personal trainer and put on 30+ lbs of muscle in order to win a multimillion dollar paycheck.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Jensen Ackles isn’t that far off from being the Captain America build. He is 6′-3″ tall and in good shape, you just dont know it because he always wears layered clothing on Supernatural and his co-star is a sasquatch at nearly 6′-6″ tall.

      I cant vouch for the rest of the guys above but no guy is gonna fit exactly the Captain America physique unless you go to one of those freaky Mr. Universe Muscle shows. As you know, Super Heroes are drawn in an exaggerated form. There just isnt going to be an actor who comes close to that in my estimation.

  21. Anthony Sylvester says:

    Why for the love of God, do you have to cast teenage hunks with nary a trace of talent in superhero roles? Look at Iron Man. This has been the best adaption of a Marvel superhero to date. Do you want to know why? Three words: Robert Downey Jr. A twice Oscar-nominated and widely respected actor took an unorthodox approach to the character, not making him stoic, but a flawed and humorous guy. And it worked! Same goes for Edward Norton with the Hulk. All it takes is a talented actor. Why does Captain America have to be a pin-up? In the comics, he is beaten down, multi-dimensional, charismatic. Do you see any of these hunky choices fitting this bill? I would use the same casting agents involved in the upcoming Avengers movie. They just nabbed Jeremy Renner, Oscar-nominated star of the Hurt locker, to play Hawkeye. Fire the Captain America casting company now before you make an irrevocable decision!

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      “They just nabbed Jeremy Renner, Oscar-nominated star of the Hurt locker, to play Hawkeye”

      That was only a rumor, and one that was shot down.

  22. Bucky says:

    How about none of the above.

    How about, I don’t know, CAST ACCORDING TO THE CHARACTER.

    seriously. I work in Hollywood, i KNOW they want to make money, and I KNOW they think by grabbing the current teenage heart throb they will ” pull in an audience”,..but seriously, F’n STOP. How about find an unknown who looks, and can play the part. ( no one heard of Chris Reeve, but look how HE turned out). Cap is 6′ 2″ 240 lbs. he’s the PERFECT Human, PHYSICALLY, and MORALLY. That’s what makes him cap.
    I know it’s hard to find someone who can at the least project the suspension of disbelief, but TAKE THE TIME. if you HAVE to get some big name star, do it with the VILLAIN, and throw the money you would save towards production and Special Effects. GOD D@#$%#%#$T. I’m so sick of this crap.
    if you make a GOOD movie, with the RIGHT actors, the money and audience will follow,….fore ever ( not just opening weekend )

    • Rodney says:

      Chris Reeve was a known soap actor when he was cast as Superman. He was a re-occuring hearthrob on Love of Life for two years before getting Supes.

      Just sayin.

      RDJ was cast not only for his ability but his bank ability. He was the hot flavour of the month superstar coming off successes like Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Good Night Good Luck and Charlie Bartlet before being cast as Iron Man.

      Whoever they choose will be done so considering they will have to not only keep up with RDJ, Bale and Reynolds, but be someone that would convincingly LEAD them.

      • BobaFett says:

        Thanks Rodney! That’s exactly why I think the perfect Captain would be Michael C Hall. He has a following, but as we’ve seen in both Dexter and Six Feet Under he can act!

        To me - RDJ’s what brought Iron Man from a B player to A material.

        otherwise it could’ve easily been another Phantom or The Shadow.

        Another one who “might” fit this list is Matt Bomer from White Collar.

  23. 420BAND says:

    Reynolds cant even keep up with Reynolds. RDJ was pretty much playin RDJ in Ironman like Sam Jackson pretty much plays Sam Jackson in every role since Jungle Fever (seems anyways) and that’s fine with me. I like RDJ’S charisma, it’s who he is. if you go way back and watch him in stuff like Weird Science for instance he’s the SAME DUDE. now of course he has wandered off the scales many times and has been good if not brilliant many times over, but in Ironman he’s having fun and brings himself to that role(it seems). O.K. in my book.

    But yeah, These Clowns dont give me an AWE factor that I wanna feel when I see CAP in full costume.

    only time will tell.

  24. tzaylor says:

    I’d pick ackles

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