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Bill Murray could be a Ghost in Ghost Busters 3

By Rodney - February 9, 2010 - 09:53 America/Montreal

With much of Ghost Busters 3 hinging on the entire original cast returning, it seems that Bill Murray is the only person not eager to get on board just yet. He has this thing against doing sequels since the Ghost Busters sequel and doesn’t want to do this one either.

But now it seems he is reluctantly involved and spills a bit about what Dr Peter Venkman might be doing in the film. Dying.

Screenrant shares:

Speaking of which, Weaver made that oddball, off the cuff statement at a press junket for Avatar back in December where she said she thought Bill Murray was going to be in Ghostbusters 3 as a ghost.

Everyone pretty much laughed it off as the ramblings of a drunk old woman (including the studio) but now comes an interview from the website UK Mail Online with Murray and it appears that she may not have been as drunk as everyone thought. Says Murray [SPOILER TIME]:

“I said to [the people involved with the Ghostbusters 3], ‘I’ll do it if you kill me off in the first reel.’ So now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film.”

So is this Bill Murray’s trademarked snark coming off here, or is there some validity to it.

As long as he keeps being a ghost, and keeps being Venkman, I think it would work. Having him die might actually kick off the line of thinking that the guys are getting too old for this and that its time to pass the torch to a younger more technologically saavy crew of Busters.

I am ok with that.


  1. Josh says:

    Dr. Venkman will never die! Do you hear me!?! Never! I have to go sob now.

  2. kingl says:

    Sad. I wonder how he would of died. Guess Murray is too happy with starring in his Indie movies now.

  3. deets says:

    maybe the movie could start with them battling some unknown evil or the Blair Witch and they all get killed off in the first 20 minutes of the film. then, as ghosts they pass the torch and teach the young guns. (id rather see no passing of the torch and have them continue doing what they do best… just as old guys.)

  4. DG Music says:

    okay…if this is true…I have to say I personally think it’s a great idea! I mean not only will it keep things interesting, it makes sense, feels conclusive to the original characters - seeing how they would/could eventually pass on, and is quite ironic!

    In any case I’ve always been looking forward to Ghostbusters 3, simply because it’s Ghostbusters.

  5. Castle91 says:

    It would raise an interesting question: what kind of ghost will Venkman be? Will they have to catch him? And what about other friendly fiends they may have unjustly locked up?

    As long as the focus is on the old boys, I’ll be satisfied. I’d rather not see a talentless 20-year-old stealing the scene from the greats just so somebody can siphon off another tv series.

  6. 420BAND says:

    Yeah that idea isn’t as horrible as it sounds.

    like you said as long as he’s the same dude (wisecrackin’ romeo) I’ll take him as I can get him..

    “We came, we saw, we kicked it’s ass!


  7. bigsampson says:

    i think its a horrible idea….i mean why make a buddy movie about a team of wise cracking funny guys catching ghosts….only to make the funniest guy have some crap fodder accident that makes him a ghost…uuuuggggh

  8. Amy Gray Light says:

    Personally, I think the idea is genius. It leads to all sort of interesting possibilities for the plot….and future GBs, if there are any…..I will take Murray any way I can get him, even though I have heard he’s a cranky pain in the arse to work with….brillant comic minds can be touchy….

  9. Andy D says:

    if your source felt this news was spoiler tag worthy, you think maybe you could have avoided putting the spoiler in the headline?

    • Rodney says:

      They treated it like a spoiler, but its not even confirmed yet, and something like that would be in the trailer. You can’t spoil something that doesn’t exist yet.

      Its not a spoiler.. its a rumour.

      If this was the Shamhammer saying “I am making this movie where the main character is dead the whole time and you dont know it until the end” then it might be a spoiler. This is hardly going to ruin the movie. Its a rumour about the synopsis.

      Is it a spoiler to say they might make this a “passing the torch” film? No. Because we don’t know that they are even going to do that either.

  10. Andy says:

    If Murray is telling the truth, then it is the best thing to happen. Firstly it will stop the movie just ending up a poor rehash of what’s gone before. But it will also allow them to introduce some new ghostbusting characters so that if this ends up being a success they can follow it up with another one but with the new characters being the focus, whilst the originals put in cameos.

  11. Richard van Seenus says:

    Really? I loved the first one but ghost busters 2 fell short. Hopefully ghost busters 3 will step up and deliver some new material. Will this be a video store film or a movie house film? I’m looking foreword to seeing the trailer.

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