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Andrew “Boner” Koenig found Dead at 41

By Rodney - February 25, 2010 - 22:13 America/Montreal

Andrew Koenig, best known for his role as dimwitted underachiever extraordinaire Richard “Boner” Stabone on the 80s sitcom Growing Pains was reported missing in Vancouver on Valentine’s Day. Concerned that Andrew suffered from depression, the search began for the former TV star, resulting in finding him dead today in Stanley Park as the result of suicide.

Globe and Mail reports:

Mr. Koenig’s father, also an actor, told a news conference at Stanley Park that his 41-year-old son had committed suicide,and that his body has been discovered in the park.

Walter Koenig, famous for playing Russian crew member Pavel Chekov on the original Star Trek series, urged anyone with suicidal thoughts to seek help.

Granted the son of Chekov never amounted to much of significance after his career peaked with Growing Pains, but he did make an appearance in a very popular fan made video portraying a very convincing Joker in a showdown between Batman vs Aliens vs Predators.

The short film was called Batman:Dead End. So in tribute to Andrew, here it is.


  1. Gareth says:

    Rest in Peace Andrew -salute-

  2. Brendan says:

    RIP Andrew Koenig, condolences to Walter and the rest of his family.

  3. Royal says:

    “…never amounted to much of significance…”

    That’s just mean.

  4. Unforgiven says:

    I’m actually pretty pissed. What is wrong with people today? Suicide is the absolute worst thing he could have done. Do these people give any thought to the affect this has on family and friends? Andrew was 41 years old! He had a lot to live for. He was loved by many, people who care about him! I find suicide to be utterly disgraceful. There are so many children who are born into this world with nothing! They are born sick or disabled and don’t get the chances in life that people like Andrew got. The real shame here is that he threw away a very precious gift. Life is to be cherished, not discarded. It has been said that he was suffering from depression and stopped taking his medicine more than a year ago. In that instance his family needed to intervene or if need be force the issue. Now the Koenig’s are going to have to live with this forever riddled with guilt about what they could have done to prevent this.. Tragic and pointless…

    • bigsampson says:

      i hear ya bro….but u got to remember that when u commit suicide usually all those things dont matter, your just through with it all and 99% of the time there messed in the head it doesnt matter.

  5. Rob says:

    “Granted the son of Chekov never amounted to much of significance after his career peaked with Growing Pains” What a crappy thing to say about the guy. There’s a lot more to life than the movies and none of us know what he did or didn’t do with his.

    • Rodney says:

      I didn’t say the guy didn’t have a life, or loved ones. Just professionally he didn’t do much after Growing Pains ended.

      That is all.

      You people are over reacting to a simple observation.

      • Rob says:

        But you didn’t say professionally, you said he “never amounted to much of significance after his career peaked.” Unnecessary, and poorly timed.

      • Rodney says:

        As is your criticism of the statement. I didnt have to say “professionally” as the statement was referring to his acting career when it referenced Growing Pains.

        But split hairs and miss the point. Someone loved and respected by his family has fallen victim to his own depression and took his life.

      • Rob says:

        Disagreed, you suggested, unintentionally or otherwise, that the pinnacle of his existence was Growing Pains and you got a reaction. If you’d just said “Someone loved and respected by his family has fallen victim to his own depression and took his life,” as you just indicated the real point was, no one would have said a word.

      • bigsampson says:

        i think what theretrying to say is that it was uncalled for…doesnt matter if you agree cause its there opinion. As for me i think its dead on because maybe it had something to do with it. This is the entertainment business and its just the facts. Rodney is right growing pains was his pinnacle and really if your commenting on facts you should think why are you searching the internet about such things when his career is part of this ordeal. I mean are you going to get a chance for national air time to say your son is missing if he wasnt the son of chekov or boner from growing pains…no so all this is precedent

  6. Mike says:

    Now your stretching. If I say Rodney never amounted to much after striking out in little league. I’m not talking about your baseball career. I’m talking about you. Same as above.

    • Rodney says:

      If I never accomplished anything more significant than that, I couldnt argue the statement and it would still be about me.

      He was a supporting cast member in one of the most popular sitcoms of the 80s and early 90s. He accomplished a lot. Just nothing that out shines that accomplishment.

      But you are too worried about dwelling on what you see as my inappropriate comment than what the article was actually about. You are straying way off topic.

      • cloud720 says:

        Right or wrong, if you originally posted this to honor the life of someone who entertained us, then maybe it isn’t best that you argue with people here.

        But when I die, I’d like if people speak of my accomplishment and not on the things I failed to do. If they want to honor me anyway.

  7. Matt Keith says:

    Rest In Peace.

  8. 420BAND says:

    I got what you meant bro, we lost the Boner.

    Used to love that show and always got a “boner” watchin’ Kurt’s T.V. sister’s buttox.

    never knew about Checov though.


    • bigsampson says:

      amen to that…nothing wrong with being boner.
      I remember the flash back when he met boner at the bus stop. He asked what is name was and he said stabone! haha a the kid was like no way your name is boner hahaha plus i just loved that character…was like jersey shore accent hahahaha

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