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Amy Madigan and Ed Harris join Big Red for WWE Films

By Rodney - February 19, 2010 - 12:53 America/Montreal

I rank WWE films as the studio that will hire you because no one else will. They make movies to showcase how badly Wrestlers can act. Randy Orton gets his turn in Big Red but they just hired Ed Harris and his wife Amy Madigan to star.

And they are making a FAMILY DRAMA?

CinemaBlend says:

The “production company” recently hired Ed Harris, who might just be their biggest name to date, to topline Big Red, along with his wife Amy Madigan on board to support him. No word on if the real-life couple will play significant others in the film.

Big Red is a middle-school drama set in the mid-60’s which follows a teacher (Harris) whose life is changed by a fearless outcast named Stanley. The resident WWE meathead who most definitely will knock the film’s credibility down a few pegs will be Randy Orton, playing the father of the school bully who attempts to get Harris fired.

I misread that and I was wondering exactly how they are going to get Randy Orton to play the school bully? Its a middle school? How many times did Orton get left back? Maybe if he was the janitor, or the father of a school bully. That might make sense.

Oh.. there is is.


  1. franklin says:

    It says he’s playing the bully’s father, not the bully.

  2. Ken says:

    Well Orton couldn’t have gotten a better 1st role(if thats what it it).The role of the school bully’s father fits his wwe role/personality perfect, an doesn’t require much acting talent to pull off.

  3. Greg says:

    Sorry about that. Has anyone seen Batistas movie with JA Rule. I wonder how that will do. I know it didn’t go to theatres but it does have a wrestler in it. I was just wondering.

    • Rodney says:

      It has a wrestler and a rapper in it… both not actors.

      There might be a reason you are having a hard time finding anyone who watched it.

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