35 Years of Clint Eastwood Collection

Sometimes there are things in marketing that you REALLY could never predict happening.

For instance, the 35 Years, 35 Films Clint Eastwood Movie Collection available gives you 35 Clint Eastwood films over the last three and a half decades for $130! That’s a steal.

But thats not what you subliminally will see when you catch a glimpse of this baby in the cost effective cardboard mass displays found in retail centers like Costco.

Tell me you read that like I did the first time you saw it? Yeah. That really dirty word that even my potty mouth hesitates to use is the first thing that sprung to mind.

35 Years of leatherfaced, badassed rough and tumble cunt. A real bargain at $130.


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8 Responses to “35 Years of Clint Eastwood Collection”
  1. 420BAND says:

    I am the master of the C.L.I.N.T.!


  2. David Lopan says:

    I want this set so bad. The Dirty Harry set was one of the best purchases I did that year, when it came out that is.

  3. Cinema Phreak says:

    LMAO, That just made my day, I love it thanks for bringing this to us…

  4. Greg says:

    35 films for only $130.00. What a deal. Alright math is not great. 1 disc movie 20.00 maybe 25.00, and if it’s a 2 disc maybe 30.00, and it’s a 35 film set. Around $900.00 plus tax and everything else. What a deal for a Clint Eastwood fan.

  5. Anti-Septic says:

    That is an incredible deal, I might have to take advantage of that.

    I still marvel when I watch Fistful of Dollars, and my all time Clint favorite “Outlaw Josey Whales”. There are too many great films to name, we’ll just say Clint is the man!

  6. 790 says:

    Is the use of the word cunt a typo in this post?
    “35 Years of leatherfaced, badassed rough and tumble cunt.”
    Cause that sounds really lame,,,

    • Anti-Septic says:

      If you look at the picture above with the DVD package in the stand, the word CLINT is cut off and it looks like the word “c#nt”.

      That is all he was referring to, it was just a little stab at humor. Nothing to get worked up over.

  7. madrid9999 says:

    You are really lucky , of course you get it ? too cheap ..

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