Zombieland Scribes to write Deadpool

Looks like Deadpool has its writers afterall. What was reported as rumour a month ago is being confirmed as ink on paper.

Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick - the writers of the very witty Zombieland - will be writing Deadpool!

/Film confirms:

Last month is was rumored that Zombieland screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick were writing the script for the big screen comic book adaptation of Deadpool. The Hollywood Trades tonight confirm CHUD’s report, adding that Ryan Reynolds will indeed reprise his role as the wisecracking mercenary he portrayed in last year’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

This looks like it might happen after Reynolds finishes with Green Lantern and that would also slot it in behind Wolverine 2 and First Class, so we have a little time yet before seeing Deadpool.

I just hope they make some sort of plot that has Deadpool facing off against Weapon XI, so we can pretend that wasn’t Wade. They all but said it was Wade (no where in the film do they outright say WeaponXI is Wade - its strongly implied but never outright said) But I hope that they have the Merc with a Mouth off somewhere else licking his wounds from the experiments they did to him in the program.

Wade crosses paths with WeaponXI (currently called Deadpool) and takes a fancy to the name and starts calling himself that.

Have him come back scarred with new healing powers and a sharp tongue of wit!

Then we can at least enjoy THAT part of Wolverine instead of squirming around how badly they screwed up Deadpool.

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