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The Movie Blog is Back on Twitter! @TMB_Tweets

By Rodney - January 12, 2010 - 13:30 America/Montreal

Greetings International Friends!

For those of you who were following this site on Twitter, you may have noticed a great lack of tweets lately. Well we have corrected that, and TMB is now live on Twitter again @TMB_Tweets

There are a lot of changes coming soon and some of it will be discussed or announced on Twitter before its live on the site. To keep tabs on what we are up to, or just to get a feed of the current stories we post, feel free to add us @TMB_Tweets

And tell your friends! TMB is a community, and just gets bigger and better with your involvement.


  1. Andrew James says:

    It’s about time. I still laugh every time I click on the Twitter link in your side bar that goes to some Swedish Twitter. You might want to link to the correct twitter account. It’s been that way for ages.

    • Rodney says:

      Hey thanks for letting me know that was there!

      I removed that link because I can’t seem to change the settings. I can’t wait for the new look of the site!

    • James (Haz) says:

      HAHA! I know! I had the same reaction.. it had like 2 tweets, it was so weird

  2. Chris says:

    Just Added you

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