The Last Airbender Poster Online

That other Avatar film is still a little ways away, but the title has long since dropped the Avatar title found in its animated series origins and is only known now as The Last Airbender.

I didn’t watch the series, but I caught enough of it to get the idea. It does look more interesting than most of the kiddie dribble lately. Anyways, a new poster has been released and it looks pretty groovy.

After seeing the teaser I am curious to see how they do with this. I hope it stays mostly serious.


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20 Responses to “The Last Airbender Poster Online”
  1. shamsu1055 says:

    I can’t wait !! But is m.nyt capable of doing an action adventure epic?

  2. Brendan says:

    Wonder what the big twist at the end is going to be? The kid actually has leukaemia?

  3. Shinobi says:

    The show was very good and very well animated. If they bring all the supporting characters it’s going to be huge but I really doubt it. I just hope they keep the best ones. I also hope the SFX will keep up because there should be a bunch load of them. The show was very creative on how they use their “bending” abilities. Fire bending is cool but when they do earth bending it’s pretty crazy.

  4. Matt Keith says:

    The poster looks cool, but it does little to get me excited.

  5. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m still not looking forward to film. And the series was actually fun (but cheesy)

  6. 420BAND says:

    3 Words(kinda) M.Night Shama-lama-ding dong.

    god how I wish he’d do another Unbreakable (his best IMO)

    • Matt Keith says:

      Thats the main reason I’m not looking forward to this film. Shyamalan hasn’t made a decent film since “Signs”.

      • Pedro says:

        Certainly agree with you there, he’s really only made 3 decent films, Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Signs.

        Went to see “The Village” and really wished I hadn’t. Haven’t seen any of his films in the theatre since.

        Saw The Happening on cable, total crap I’m afraid to say so hopefully he hasn’t buggered this up.

  7. Josh says:

    I watched the entire series a few weeks back and I highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the hero’s journey fantasy/action flick. I have high hopes for the film.

    • Ayser says:

      i liked the show 2 but i hope they don screw it up and make it like another dragonball evolution

      • Agnetha says:

        They’ve already done so with the casting. I just hope Shyamalan didn’t transform it to a horror story. It looks that way with the trailer AND the poster. We loved Aang because of his simplicity and childishness. Don’t take that away, Shyamalan.

  8. Ken says:

    I was a big fan of the show,it indeed was awesome. The poster really does well in making the two lead characters look like Aang and Prince Zuko. Although i’m still having trouble seeing dev patel(who i think is a great actor)portraying Prince zuko,and this movie couldn’t have got a lamer director.

  9. Jonah says:

    Big fan of the show here. There is supposed to be a new trailer attached to Percy Jackson and the Olympians and a Super Bowl TV spot, so we should know pretty quick here if it looks comparable to the original series.

    Also, except for The Happening, I like M. Night’s films. I know, sue me. But he’s said that he’s trying to branch out a bit with this movie and be more than just “the scary/twist guy.” Since this movie is based on material that’s not originally his I think he’ll actually be able to pull it off. I guess I’m being cautiously optimistic.

    • thematticus says:

      I agree. I actually think Night is an amazing director. His films always have a mood, and aura of suspense that is felt in every frame. He is excellent with pacing and colors. Unfortunately he went to the trick ending well too many times and overshadowed his gifts as a director. I am looking forward to this one.

  10. Darek-T says:

    The original posters (where Aang and Zuko had their own separate posters) were better in my opinion.

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