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The Book of Eli Review

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The Book of Eli Review

By Rodney - January 16, 2010 - 19:59 America/Montreal

Thanks for checking out our Book of Eli review.

Genre: Action Adventure/Drama
Directed by: Albert and Allen Hughes
Staring: Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis, Ray Stevenson
Released: January 15th 2010


A post apocalyptic world set 30 years after a nuclear strike has left the world in ruin. The surviving humans find themselves huddled in the remains of small towns under warlord rule. Eli is a “walker” who has been set on a mission from a higher power to head West. In his posession is a book. A powerful book. The boss of a small town (Gary Oldman) has been seeking this book and when Eli wanders through his town he will stop at nothing to get it from him.


The drama is the star here. Despite the trailer making this look like a Mad Max action romp, this is mostly a drama. They hit on a lot of themes about how life was “before the flash” and what is left.

The action that there is is brief but freaking amazing. Brutally efficient when Eli pulls out his long knife/sword thing, this shit gets real. So graphic without excessive gore.

There is little in here that is spelled out for you, and still you are not lost or missing any details. The history of what came before his hinted at in very subtle dialogue that never sounds like they are saying it for your benefit. Very well laid out.

You have to absorb this story. It makes sense. What Eli is up to, why he does it and how all falls into place. And the ending just suddenly adds a new layer to EVERTHING he does. Blew my mind.

Gary Oldman as the badguy Carnagie is a merciless warlord type, and he does it very well and very convincingly. His motivations are purely power, but he is an intelligent man and he knows how to get it.

The book is powerful, and what Carnagie wants it for makes complete sense. They were careful not to tell you exactly what the book does in the trailer and it makes sense. You find out pretty early on in the movie, but I won’t spoil it for you.


Mila Kunis (as appealing as she is) is unnecessary. She doesn’t need to be there. She is a plot device that helps spell out Eli’s story, and a sympathetic helper in his mission. But the movie could have gone on without her.

The ending brings up some more questions. It did blow my mind, but it isn’t without its minor flaws. Its plausible, and it really makes you think - which is great. But you don’t see it coming. But in hindsight its not perfectly delivered, which is why you don’t see it coming. Its minor, but it does take a little away from the amazing reveal.

That this was marketed as an action film, some would be disappointed to see how little action there is.


I was expecting a post apocalyptic actioner, and while it had elements of it, this is really a drama. Sure there are some amazing splody parts and brutal violence, but this is a thinking film that not only surprised me, but waited until the very end to let me know it had me on the hook the whole time.

I give The Book of Eli a 7 out of 10


  1. Dragonslayer says:

    It looked like a great movie. Will you be reviewing The Lovely Bones?

    • Rodney says:

      I haven’t seen it. If I do get around to it, it will get a review.

      • Justin says:

        I’ll sum The Lovely Bones up for you simply: A disjointed mess of a film.

      • Jeff says:

        I agree with Justin, The Lovely Bones is a horrible, horrible mess. After Lord of the Rings I can not believe that the same Peter Jackson directed this pile of crap. The trailers were totally misleading as to the story of the movie and its a blatant waste of time. Save your time and money and don’t see it.

      • AARON says:

        Lovely Bones was both horrible and good. I thought there were more good moments than bad. But overall: Blah.

        Book of eli looks great

  2. chris dillon says:

    you were much nicer then most people were. said the story was kind of a reach.

  3. lambykins2 says:

    I am getting frustrated. Why is no-one calling this what it really is- a movie adaptation of the Fallout 3 videogame?

    • Rodney says:

      Maybe because it isn’t?

      Not even a little.

    • War-Journalist says:

      Because it’s a graphic novel adaptation.

    • Schulzy says:

      I see where lambykins2 is coming from. The settings are very similar; I’ve been referring to it as Fallout 3: The Movie for weeks now. That said, they aren’t connected in any way.

      As an aside, some Fallout 3 DLC that adopts this story into the game would be very cool. I’m a huge fan of games with thematic elements, and the tools are already there.

      As for my opinions on the movie itself, I was very ‘meh’ about it until the twist at the end, at which point I decided that I loved it. Might buy it, in fact.

      • Rodney says:

        Because Fallout 3 is the only post apocalyptic setting.


      • SlashBeast says:

        Lol, Fallout 3 is derivative of every other countless post-apocalyptic fictional work. It’s hardly a paragon of originality.

      • chris dillon says:

        if you like fallout 3 watch jericho. I never did but my buddies all did who played the game. So im recomending something i never took up to you guys.

      • Brendan says:

        Fallout 3 might not be the most original setting ever but it is one of the most immersive post-apocalyptic experiences that exists.

        Playing it will suck you in and for a while- you feel like the earth has been nuked to hell. Awesome game.

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    Mila Kunis appealing?
    News to me.

  5. chris....the real one says:

    i agree rod, i really liked the spiritual message in the movie. mila def was a waste in this, i understand her character’s role (a little) but she was completely miscast. even tho i agree with the review i would give it a solid 8

  6. Ricky Rottenkrotch says:

    I Agree with, chris….the real one. I would give it a solid 8 as well. Action was good and the acting for the most part was good too.

  7. Jeremy says:

    i also agree with chris… the real one on this movie, it was awsome and I would have given it a nine but an eight is honorable

  8. 420BAND says:

    Saw the trailer for this before avatar and I got a “so-so” feeling, It really makes it look dare I say foolish, kinda like a Denzel “Desperado” feel to it..

    BUT after reading your review, might give it a shot.

  9. 420BAND says:

    and yeah, even in the trailer Mila is out-of-place.

    but she’s a hottie, her eyes are sexy and looked pretty hot in Sarah Marshall

  10. brian says:

    are you going to review ‘the road’
    and are video review coming?

    • Rodney says:

      I only review movies I have seen.

      And yes, there will be video reviews as soon as I make it a habit to be more publicly presentable (I blog commando… if you get what I mean)

  11. 420BAND says:

    Eww! hope you dont have a leather chair (if you know what I mean) stickage bro……stickage.

  12. dogg says:

    rod-man said commando, ha!

  13. James Tyler says:

    I held of for a bit, but I’ve now seen this movie. It’s boring. Really, really boring. I think I’ll buy it if I ever need a nap.

  14. Will the GMan says:

    I think this film is worth seeing just for the ending. And while it certainly wasn’t a masterpiece or anything, I want to see it again just because of the ending. It’s like The Sixth Sense in that it changes the whole watching experience once you know the ending. I like that.

    But it does not take 30 years to walk across America, that really didn’t make sense to me.

    • Rodney says:

      It might take that long when you consider he isn’t exactly jogging, and with the conditions and having to hunt for food everyday etc.

      He was at it for 30 years, but walking is not the ONLY thing he did.

      • Will the GMan says:

        Actually, now that I think about it, they didnt say he found the book right after “the flash”, just that it has been 30 years since the flash. So maybe it actually hasnt been that long. Still, they could have addressed that.

  15. will says:

    why isnt anyone asking or explaining the scene where he gets shot in the back of the neck and somehow the bullet missses ??? any explanations ??

    • Rodney says:

      Because he wasn’t shot in the back of the neck. The bullet missed.

      The second shot he takes grazes his jacket, but still misses. They get spooked, but it was just bad aim.

  16. Franc says:

    why wasnt Christ mentioned or acknowledged in the movie?

    • Rodney TMB says:

      Because there was absolutely no reason to?

      This wasn’t a movie about Jesus, it was about Eli. The book was just a coveted artifact of a forgotten time in history.

  17. LaurieW says:

    This was a great movie. I can see why some might say it is too violent and other not violent enough. But the movie wasn’t about violence; it was about Christianity - the good and bad that can come from it. If you go to watch it for a fun or adventurous clip, you will be disappointed. This movie requires really looking at the underlying messages.

  18. peter martin says:

    I was a fan of the film. I’m a Christian and even I don’t like to watch movies that feel like they are preaching to me and the Book of Eli, though it was about the bible being an important book, didn’t feel preachy at all. i felt the film sort of took me back to how times were before the printing press when those that had an actual copy of the bible were only very important and powerful people or very prestigious institutions. the name seemed very clever and fitting, Eli could be seen as short for Elijah who is prophesied to come back “before the great and dreadful day of the Lord” very cool. Mila i honestly didn’t mind throughout the film but the last minute or two of the film was completely unnecessary. it was like eating a back of pistachios and then getting to the last one that was bad and leaves a horrible taste in your mouth, ruins the other ones you ate before.

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