Stan Lee talks Spider-Man Reboot and Iron Man 2 Cameo

Stan Lee is always a pleasure to watch. He borders on being a fanboy himself but he keeps his head on his shoulders.

Check out this clip of him talking about why he likes the idea of a Spider-Man reboot as well as his spill about what his cameo in Iron Man 2 will be.

I love the silly exaggerated voice Stan puts on when acting like a fanboy. So awesome. Yeah, everyone will complain about change. But none of it will be validated unless the reboot sucks.

And I always thought that Stan Lee kind of looked like a cross between Larry King and Hugh Hefner anyways… and now art imitates life.


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21 Responses to “Stan Lee talks Spider-Man Reboot and Iron Man 2 Cameo”
  1. gypsydreams101 says:

    I still don’t think he should be recco’ing a reboot…..

    • Rodney says:

      I don’t see why he wouldn’t.

      The series was good, but like he says - Spidey started out as a teen with powers dealing with teen problems in highschool, so why would he have a problem with a movie that shows that?

      I would have liked to have seen the series continue myself, but I will reserve judgment of the film until its made and comes out, instead of cursing the reboot before it even happens.

      Everyone said Hulk was too soon to reboot, but that worked fine.

      • Matt Keith says:

        @”Everyone said Hulk was too soon to reboot, but that worked fine”

        And it made less money than Ang Lee’s Hulk.

      • Jon says:

        just because it made more money doesn’t mean it wasn’t better than the ang lee version. it was far superior in my book. box office gross does not equal quality

      • Matt Keith says:

        True, but it made more money, which is the only thing the studio cares about…money.

      • Rodney says:

        It made more, but only very marginally. Like $6million more.

        To make around the same amount of money after so close a release suggests that the reboot was not affected negatively by the closeness of the release dates.

      • cloud720 says:

        It also cost more to make, if that should be taken into consideration.

        And I do believe that the movie was affected negatively. But not in the same way as a franchise that was like by as many people that liked the Spider-man franchise(first 2 anyway). Maybe I am wrong but I think the problem with the Incredible Hulk was how “bad” the first one was. We get it was a reboot because we like to spend our time online reading about movies. I don’t think we represent the majority.I still know a lot of people who thought it was a sequel and didn’t care to see it because they didn’t like the first one.

        Then again, i also thought the movie was disappointing so maybe the quality of the film had something to do with the relatively low numbers.

      • SlashBeast says:

        Ang Lee’s Hulk was infinitely more impressive than the last joke of an installment.

      • hamiwill says:

        @ “Ang Lee’s Hulk was infinitely more impressive than the last joke of an installment.” Are you out of your Vulcan mind?

      • Robb Wo says:

        the first was one was a psychedelic train wreck. i’m with the studio on this one - never happened. it made more money cause people were excited for the hulk. the second time, people had already seen it, or at least that was the majority’s perception. why pay money again? - it was just out not too long ago. or a “sequel” following the first mess was not worth seeing after the lousy first.

      • SlashBeast says:

        The first one actually tapped into the psychology of the charater that makes him more than aone-dimensional monster in the first place. The second one was dummed down fluff. Neither are particularly good though.

  2. James (Haz) says:

    Hahaha! he cracks me up, the guy is awesome

  3. RB says:

    I don’t think this is as much of Stan Lee being a fanboy is it is a man who is seeing products of his life’s work get the A List treatment and he’s going on along for the ride. I think he’s also a terrific salesman for Marvel. He’ll probably never say a bad word against any Marvel title going to screen, which is terrific in this age of cynicism.

    Good for him. I love to see people who truly enjoy their success.

  4. 420BAND says:

    He’s always gonna be on the top of my list of people I wanna meet. I truly have a sweet spot for the guy and am grateful to have read his works..

    always love to listen to him talk shop..

    and I’m over the bitterness and ready to move on with Spidey..This could be a really good thing. we should all let go..

  5. War-Journalist says:

    Oh, Stan. You never cease to entertain. Can’t wait to see you in IM2.

  6. RIGGS says:


  7. Lawrence says:

    It’ll be interesting as to who should be cast as Peter Parker / Spiderman ….I still think Joseph Gordon Levitt should take the role of Spidey…..

    As for Iron Man 2, Thor, Cap. America and the eventual Avengers flick, I’d say they should follow the storylines set in Marvel Comics. Hope “Civil War” be made into a film someday.

  8. Tripp Van Easille says:

    Seeingh how pro-active Marvel is with thyey’re props only shartpens the gaze towards DC/Warners and the “supposed” significant announcement for January 2010. The clock is ticking and the month is almost done…..we’re still waiting.

  9. 420BAND says:

    Ang Lee’s Hulk was a bag of mixed emotions,The whole 3rd act with Nick Nolte was a mess, greatly acted by him BUT the effects were unclear and messy. Was that supposed to be the Absorbing man? CAUSE NO ONE MENTIONED IT THROUGHOUT THE FILM!Eric Bana seemed out of place at the time cause he was fairly Unknown at the forward 8 years and we all can say he’s an AWESOME actor and re-watching Ang’s film he’s not a distraction anymore.
    the Blond guy who plays Betty Ross’ boyfriend or suitor is STILL a horrible actor and gives off bad DR.DOOM acting vibes bigtime!General Ross was the best among them in my opinion. Liked the comic panel Layout and loved the desert chasing scene..THAT WAS AWESOME. but there were waaay too many faults to make up for the good stuff..
    and dont get me started on the fuckin’ hounds..

    the 2nd tried waaay too hard NOT to be Ang’s film and went too far in the other direction but was arguably better in terms of action and pacing..

    I’m still glad both were made though..

  10. Chris says:

    Is it just me or does Larry King look like a creepy old fart and judging by the look on Stan’s face I think he might have grabbed his butt

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