Sherlock Holmes 2 may Film this Summer

I really liked Sherlock Holmes, and as expected the $90m budget compared to over $360m boxoffice draw so far, a sequel cannot be far behind.

Its a good thing they optioned a script already.

Movie Moron shares:

Warner Bros. actually commissioned a script for Sherlock Holmes 2 three months before the first movie was even released. It’s becoming increasingly common for studios to do this for movies with pre-release ‘buzz’ as it enables a sequel to get into production faster, for less cost.

Since they did that they’re now in the process of locking down the cast for a June start date. Downey Jr. recently passed on the lead role in Jon Favreau’s Cowboys And Aliens to free up that time.

While I really wanted to see RDJ take on some Aliens in a Cowboy era film, I really do want to see him reprise his quirky Sherlock Holmes and they have to fit this between his very busy Iron Man appearances and Avengers roles (as well as everything else they have him lined up for)

They laid enough groundwork incorporating the superior evil mastermind of Professor Moriarty in the first film, so I anticipate there will be some of that in the sequel.

As much as I always want to see more Rachel McAdams, I don’t anticipate her return. Her character is already established as a wanderer, so she might show up again, but maybe not in the sequel.

I liked how Moriarty was concealed in shadows in a less than subtle introduction, but not the main antagonist in the film. I hope to see more of that. It adds even more mystery if no one ever really knows what Moriarty will look like.

Its not known if the sequel will draw inspiration on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s work or if this will be an original story.

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12 Responses to “Sherlock Holmes 2 may Film this Summer”
  1. shamsu1055 says:

    That’s all great, but was the first movie all that great.

  2. Dragonslayer says:

    I loved the first film so I’m all up for a second.

  3. Glenn says:

    good news man, be great to se a second!

  4. Ifaz says:

    Bring it on! I saw Sherlock Holmes this week and it was awesome.

  5. 420BAND says:

    The first one I’m still watching in pieces, but seemed different from what I was expecting.
    didn’t expect Sherlock Snatch (fight scenes).

    good chemistry among the 2 leads, I’m afraid to watch the rest cause I think they’re gonna make out at some point.

    RDJ is on top of his game though.
    we always see British Actors do an american voice BUT rarely see an American do an english one..

  6. GODFATHER says:

    Woops… Not sure what happened there. Damn backspace! LOL

    I was trying to say: I licked the first film as well, and wouldn’t mind a second one with this cast. They worked it well and I’m sure #2 will be about as good. I just hope for a stronger ending. First one left me disappointed.

  7. CountessOfOle says:


    I absolutely adored the first one. Now I can’t wait for this sequel. =)

  8. JohnIan says:

    “The List Of 7″ just screams to be made.

  9. Ben says:

    The fight scenes were done great. The ones who saw the movie now what I mean. Just great!

    Loved the movie and will go see the second one. It also seems that RDJ is back. He struggled a couple of years but now he’s amazing.


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