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Review: Sherlock Holmes

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Review: Sherlock Holmes

By Rodney - January 19, 2010 - 10:56 America/Montreal

Thanks for checking out our Sherlock Holmes review.

Genre: Action Adventure
Directed by: Guy Ritchie
Staring: Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law, Rachel McAdams, Mark Strong
Released: December 25th, 2009


After finally catching serial killer and occult “sorcerer” Lord Blackwood, legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson can close yet another successful case. But when Blackwood mysteriously returns from the grave and resumes his killing spree, Holmes must take up the hunt once again. Contending with his partner’s new fiancée and the dimwitted head of Scotland Yard, the dauntless detective must unravel the clues that will lead him into a twisted web of murder, deceit, and black magic - and the deadly embrace of temptress Irene Adler


Robert Downey Jr hits it again. His portrayal of Sherlock is that of a sloppy and reclusive social outcast. He doesn’t think like normal people do and it affects his ability to interact and express himself. As usual, RDJ gives us a “character” and not just another role played by him. This Holmes is a study unto himself let alone his involvement in this film. That works for me on so many levels.

The supporting cast works well too, with characters that are appropriately and physically appearing for that time period, you are immersed in the gaslight era. My worry was that this was going to mix too much modern with that period, but it doesn’t at all.

And the dialogue is beautifully played. The banter between Holmes and Watson is delicious. In fact most things Holmes says gets a range of a smile to an outright burst of laughter from me. So intelligently written and fun to watch.

The way they illustrate Holmes process of deductive reasoning is brilliant. Even hand to hand combat is broken down into logical deconstruction to come to a conclusion.


There is a plot device that I despise the use of in films. I wish there was a database that could look this up on, but I have seen it many times. The occult is always represented by a pentagram, and therefore their plot is always easily exposed by laying the pentagram over a map of the city to predict their next move.


Holmes is an utter genious and sees things other people overlook. Every detail matters and the smallest of them matter most. But they have to fall back on this cliche to catch the cult?



I did have a lot of fun watching this, and McAdams is always delish on screen so I’d watch a documentary about paint drying if she was in it. There is a subplot in the film that is subtle, but very much integral to everything that is going on, and that is introducing Holmes to his nemesis Professor Moriarty. Even though we do not see this person much in the film, he is controlling what is going on from the shadows (literally) and has his own agenda.

This just screams sequel, and I really hope to see one.

I give Sherlock Holmes an 8 out of 10


  1. GODFATHER says:

    I too didn’t mind this movie, and thought the cast did a great job. Unfortunately, I do agree with you about how easy it is to figure out the “master plan”. There’s more I can bicker about, but I’ll leave it with: why can’t smart, intelligent movies ever have a fantastic ending that makes you say “WOW!”?

  2. Anti-Septic says:

    This movie was a lot of fun inspite of the weak plot. I wont see it at theater again, but I will rewatch it as a home rental.

  3. meli says:

    I enjoyed this movie as an action flick with a little bit of intelligence. Downey and Law had great chemistry together while Downey and McAdams had none. I really adore this actress, but I found her unbelievable and rather horrible in the movie. Not completely her fault as her part wasn’t written very well. She felt like a needless add on, who could have easily been erased.

  4. John A says:

    You thought the Moriarty was subtle. I thought it was a huge hammer that could have been played subtlety but wasn’t.

    Just imagine if Holmes does mention the fact that McAdam’s character was meeting with an educator or a professor and then his actual name is never brought up. Everyone watching who knows Holmes would already know that they are setting up Moriarty for the next story without having to even say his name. That would have been much better for me.

  5. War-Journalist says:

    Well said, Rodney.

  6. Kaneda979 says:

    I loved it, the most fun I’ve had at the movies since I saw District 9. Loved the story, how they pulled off the characters, great comedy and action, and loved how it had a kind of comic book feel to the whole thing.

    I so hope they make a sequel.

  7. Dragonslayer says:

    I personally loved the hell outta the film and I gave it just a slight .5 point higher than you did.

    I loved the use of the slow motion and how it showed you how he could take his enemies out.

  8. A. North says:

    Very disappointing. Downey and Law were great. McAdams is awful in this and has been pretty bad since 2006. Guy Ritchie also has been nothing since Snatch.

  9. 420BAND says:

    Loved Guy Ritchie bigtime with Lock/Stock
    Liked him w/ Snatch
    then all hell broke loose.

    Love RDJ and the girl.
    BUT something is keeping me away to even want to see this.. I dont know why, cause it looks fun..Maybee I dont want to see a bad film w/ yet Guy in the directors seat again..

    but after your review i think I’m comin’ around

  10. Mike Mai says:

    it’s a bit overlong and not too exciting. very mediocre. when the plot was revealed i kept thinking angels and demons.

  11. anthony chobot says:

    it was awsome cant wait for number dos with brad pitt

  12. Chick 1 says:

    Definitely has its weaknesses but still a fun ride. Agree that Downey & Law have great chemistry. And from the female perspective, paying to watch those 2 for a couple of hours is a no-brainer.

  13. David says:

    I too really enjoyed this movie. In fact, Avatar was awesome and an amazing cinematic feat, but I actually enjoyed Sherlock Holmes more. Maybe that’s partly because I’ve always been a fan of the Sherlock Holmes character (reading the stories and listening to the old time radio program as a child), and also because I’ve always enjoyed period pieces like this. Everything that you said that was good about this movie was spot on. When I first heard that RBJ was playing Sherlock and saw the first screen shots, I’ll admit I was a little skeptical. While a truly unique take on Sherlock Holmes, they stayed true to the essence of the character. It’s true that the ending was a bit too cliche; I was having so much fun, however, that I didn’t notice.

  14. jim says:

    what was this…. batman movie or spider man….. they have killed sherlock holmes……. i was expecting so much…. killed my image of sherlock holmes………

  15. Lily says:

    Ever heard of TV Tropes Rodney? The title is misleading, as it has now branched out into other types of media. The names they put to things are pretty catchy (that thing where protagonists have to do an insanely risky and unlikely thing to save the day is called “Crossing The Streams”).

    Just reccommending.

    • Rodney says:

      I have heard of it, and yes, there is a pentagram Trope called “Connect the Deaths” that list a number of examples in comics, novels, films and TV where the killer is discovered by placing a symbol over a map to correspond with the location of the deaths.

  16. Caroline Porter says:

    As a fan of the Sherlock Holmes series, I wasn’t quite sure how I’d feel about this movie going into it. However, I agreed that Robert Downey, Jr. was an absolutely marvelous Holmes and that Jude Law played Watson quite well. One of my favorite parts (because usually RDJ and Law annoy me) was that I was able to forget who was playing the characters and really focus on their portrayal and getting inside their heads.

    Meanwhile, the inner House, M.D. fan inside me was pleased, as well; House and Wilson are perfect models of these two legendary characters and RDJ and Law’s portrayals reminded me of this even more.

  17. Sarah says:

    I agree with you on many levels regarding my overall reaction to the movie. I had really been looking forward to watching this movie after reading many Sherlock Holmes stories in a class I took a few semesters ago. I was more interested in the actual crime-solving aspects of the film but found myself completely engrossed in every aspect.

    As you mentioned, Robert Downey Jr. portrays a character and not just Robert Downey, Jr. with a different costume. I feel there are far too many actors who play similar roles again and again because it’s commonplace for them; I love when actors aren’t afraid to try something new, different and exciting. Of course, this always runs the risk of the audience not believing the actor can pull off that role, but Downey does such an amazing job at portraying Holmes that he doesn’t have to worry.

    As for the ‘cult’ motif, I believe it has to do with keeping the movie in current times. Yes, these concepts were very common during the time. However, society now, particularly the ‘tween’ generation, has taken a sudden interest in vampires and witchcraft. I feel the use of black magic was placed into this movie with just the right amount of realism compared to an amount that will keep the interest of the younger generation.

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