No Hobbit until Dec 2012

Boo. No Hobbit in 2011. I was really looking forward to seeing this next Christmas (Well 2 from now). They don’t even have a confirmed Bilbo Baggins yet, so I guess this comes as no surprise.

Variety gives us the story:

Warner Brother’s President Horn won’t predict when the first of the two “Hobbit” films will be out, but says the most probable scenario would be a release in the fourth quarter of 2012.

“It’s a big bet for us. But it’s one we think will pay off given the success of ‘Lord of the Rings,’” says Emmerich. “This is one of the few movies it feels like people are waiting for.”

So probably December 2012. This is good news that we will be able to see Part 1, the bad news is, accordian to the Mayans, we will all be dead and never be able to see Part 2.

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16 Responses to “No Hobbit until Dec 2012”
  1. MBanno says:

    And that’s assuming the first part comes out before Dec 21. lol.

  2. Adrian says:

    Are you serious about the Mayan calendar?
    Do you even knw how the Mayan calendar works?
    I hate when people believe everything, lol!

    looking foward to this movie part 1 and 2

  3. tzaylor says:

    sorry about that….

    What I was GOING to say before looking like a blog noob, or a bloob, was that I’m itching to see the hobbit too. But if I need to wait to 2012 to see a proper portrayal of THE HOBBIT then it will be worth the wait. Better to take the time to get it right eh?

  4. Shane (Dragonslayer) says:


  5. Iam Wright says:

    When did this become a discussion for ‘2012′. That movie has come and gone. (being sarcastic)

  6. RB says:

    It’s interesting that none of the articles I’ve read about the new date for “The Hobbit” don’t mention the legal settlement from September. It’s only been about 3-4 months since WB got the rights cleared to make the movie. I’m assuming they are planning on filming both movies back to back, which would explain why it is taking longer after the settlement than everybody originally thought to get their act together. My guess is they are only now getting a fair estimate of how long this thing will take to make. Scheduling one movie takes long enough, but scheduling 2 probably has it’s own special circumstances to consider.

  7. Fernby says:

    We’re going to die in 2012? Won’t President Kennedy save us all from the Russians?

  8. Matt says:

    Check out the news about the hobbit related to Simon Pegg. Rumor has it David Tennant (doctor who) dropped out of Burke and Hare cos he’s landed the hobbit gig.

    Much love x

  9. Brendan says:

    So long as they do it right, I don’t care if it’s delayed until 2013.

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