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No Bloom for Pirates 4

By Brock - January 27, 2010 - 11:59 America/Montreal

Tis a sad day.. No, not really. Orlando Bloom officially confirmed that he will NOT be returning for “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.”

Latino Review has the story:

During the Sundance Film Festival, MTV News caught up with actor Orlando Bloom and put that very question to him — but according to the actor, his days as Will Turner are over. “No, definitely not,” he said when asked if he’d return for the fourth “Pirates” movie. “I think Will is sort of swimming around with the fish at the bottom of the ocean.”

That’s not to say that Bloom has hard feelings towards Disney or its popular franchise — his decision to leave the “Pirates” films was purely a matter of wanting to try new roles. “I had a great time making those movies,” he said. “I just really wanted to do different things, but I think it’s going to be great. Whatever Johnny does, I think it’s fantastic.”

I don’t think he will be missed…


  1. Anti-Septic says:

    Well, It’s a good time to walk away. I won’t really miss him either for that matter or care he is gone. If there isnt any competition at box office upon release I’ll probably see it if I am bored, otherwise I’ll wait for home video.

  2. Ifaz says:

    Thank God!! I’m so glad that I’m seriously jumping on my bed as we speak!!

  3. cloud720 says:

    Anyone else think the most interesting part of the pirate movies were the pirates?

    I say bring on more Jack Sparrow and more Barbossa.

  4. Karl says:

    I will miss him.

  5. Dragonslayer says:

    I’ve never felt Bloom was a bad actor. I still say his best performance was in Kingdom of Heaven (even though the movie itself was a disappointment).

    Having said that, I can see them doing this movie without him

    • Daniel says:

      I won’t say that Bloom is a bad actor either, but he’s one that you can forget about easily, especially if he’s trying to share screen time with more talented actors like Johnny Depp. I will agree that he was good in Kingdom of Heaven though. If you have seen the theatrical version of KoH and didn’t like it… do yourself a favor and watch the director’s cut of it. Makes it a million times better.

  6. adix says:

    I do care for Barbossa. As for Jack Sparrow, he was a fake character. Didn’t like him.

    Barbossa on the other hand, now that was a good pirate (in the ruthless way of things). At least in the first POTC.

  7. Derek 8-Track says:

    ha, “try new things”, the guy is a few hit wonder. his fame has come and gone…. maybe. it just feels that way now. havent seen him in anything big in forever and the last thing i saw him in “new york, I love you” sucked.

  8. Mykrantz says:

    As long as it has Jack, Barbossa, and Mr. Gibbs, they can keep making sequels as long as they keep the dynamic pirate feeling.

  9. matty says:

    Give me Barbossa, Sparrow, and Davy Jones. And a decent writer.

    Everyone else exit stage left.

  10. kingl says:

    I agree with everyone else, as long as Sparrow, Barbossa and the secondary characters are focused on, I’m all in. Will and Elizabeth’s story was pretty much over, though I am going to miss oogling Keira.

  11. SlashBeast says:

    A movie focusing on Sparrow, Barbossa and Davy Jones would be nothing short of awesomeness.

  12. Darren J Seeley says:

    I promise I will not jump on the ‘bash on Bloom’ bandwagon.
    The actor wants to do other projects. (”Not try, Orlando…DO) So be it. There is no place for him in the next Pirates film. It isn’t like they actually knew what to do with his character in the sequels in the first place. Next thing y’know, sweet Kiera will be interviewed for a soundbite and she’ll say ‘I’m not in Pirates 4 either. I move on, and try do other projects.’

    To which we say:
    HIP HIP Hoo-ray!!

    That’s two anchors holding this ship at bay. Now its time for smooth sailing. It isn’t so much that Knightley and Bloom were horrid in the sequels, it is just that they were wasted and their characters were dead weight.

  13. 420BAND says:

    After the last one I’ve reached my fill thanks..
    and without Orlando what happens to mrs. Hottie?

    I say she becomes a Pirate groupie..

  14. M says:

    Thank God, he got on my nerves. Pirates is all about Jack Sparrow and no one else.

  15. Bamkazaam says:

    “I don’t think he will be missed…”
    hahahahahahaha good one bro!

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