Kurtzman and Orci talk Star Trek 2 Villain

Kurtzman and Orci were talking again about what they might do with the Star Trek sequel.

Will it have Khan? Orci has said bluntly “We would never do a remake…” so that appears to rule out Khan as a badguy, but they are not ignorant to the impact of a strong villain in the film.

FirstShowing quotes:

“I think our idea on this is that the first of any series is about them coming together or the formation. I couldn’t really tell you what Jeff Bridges was doing in Iron Man, but it doesn’t matter at all because it is all about Iron Man becoming Iron Man. Whereas I think sequels are very much about the villain. Because while [in the first one] the villain serves to bring the crew together, the second one I think has to be a true challenging of what that family is about. That is why Wrath of Khan was so amazing. Khan tested each one of them and ultimately asked for the [ultimate] sacrifice, and that is why that movie held up so well.”

I like how they are insistant that it will not be a remake of the sequel in the original film series. I really want them to go all fresh and new and NOT just recycle the old storylines with the new cast.

Hop ahead to where Kirk has become a phenom and the youngest Captain in Federation history. Have others challenge his sudden rise in ranks, have doubt and plenty of character interaction, but have his crew solidly behind him. Then bring in a villain worthy of the format.

Should it be Khan. No. We know in the timeline that he is out there, as are his genetically created superpeople. But will Kirk even cross paths with him now that will trigger the events of Wrath of Khan? Who says there is any wrath now?

I like how they illustrate how Nero was an unimportant villain. I felt that way, but they made it obvious as to why he wasn’t played up as a major presence. Its not what their film was about.

I look forward to seeing what they do with a villain in Star Trek 2. They seem to have their head in the right place here. Origin is over, now lets have a serious conflict!

I vote for a badass Klingon Warlord!

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19 Responses to “Kurtzman and Orci talk Star Trek 2 Villain”
  1. Matt S says:

    I really enjoyed Star Trek (2009) and Kurtzman and Orci can be pretty clever writers when they wanna be, but they have also written some terrible stuff. Even a lot of the Star Trek deleted scenes are just cringe worthy, so hopefully JJ or another equally adept person helms the sequel that can veto some of the not so great ideas tossed out there. I don’t want Star Trek 2: Revenge of the Fallen….. Oh please God no (I’m sure Bay can be blamed for many of those bad ideas as well though)

    • SlashBeast says:

      They’re terrible writers. Star Trek was loaded with plot holes. It’s not much of a stretch to see that they wrote Transformers 2.

      • Rodney says:

        Time Travel stories will always have plot holes, but I didnt see anything that disturbing about the Reboot.

        I don’t know that it could have been done better.

      • RB says:

        I agree that they aren’t the best writers and can be downright terrible at times. The whole “red matter” and back story that went with it was just confusing and wasn’t helped by the stylized mind meld sequence that went with it.

        That being said, it was a fun, fun movie. Maybe the most fun I’ve had in a theater in years. They got enough right that I can somewhat forgive them for what they got wrong.

        I’m a big 60s Star Trek fan and I describe the movie as being Star Trek: the Ride. It wasn’t really Star Trek as I love it, but it was a good ride with actors that were close enough for jazz.

        Can’t wait for the 2nd one!

    • anthony chobot says:

      it should be kahnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  2. LAgirl says:

    Totally agree!! We don’t need to rehash old villans. But a new Klingon villan would be brilliant! They could make it a whole new conflict.

    • Maz says:

      no, no more klingons!

      i find klingons fascinating but i think we see way too much of the klingons. maybe a new race of aliens completely.

  3. Matt Keith says:

    NO Khaan.

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    Bring on some hard core Gorn.

    • Ryan says:

      I agree — the Gorn would be fun. There’s lots of races that were touched upon, but never focused upon in any of the series. Some of them are very interesting and you could definitely see a movie including them in it. I think the Gorn could be done real fun — fans would enjoy the reference to them and, with today’s technology, the Gorn could really be pulled off in an interesting way.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Star Trek(new) made me believe in the franchise.

    always enjoyed the original show for camp value, but never loved the films(Khan was the exception)

    how can you bash that last film?

  6. joe says:

    that who i want to see more of, the Kinglons it would be really cool to see what comes next with this

  7. 420BAND says:

    Capt. Picard gave the fans the brainy stuff for many years, you can only go so far with intelligent plot devises when theres shit blowing up and spaceships blastin’ by at warp speed. not every SCI-FI flick must be an intelligent political message bearer..I enjoyed the fluff with this flick and seeing the characters come together(Bones especially). characters BTW that almost everybody on some level are aware of.

    This film was one of the best Fun movies of the year!

    • DAVE says:

      The goal of Science Fiction is still to make a point on some level. It’s a genre rooted in allegory. Without some degree of “intelligence,” a film is no different than Die Hard, Under Siege, or any other action flick.

      • Rodney says:

        The “goal” of science fiction is to be fiction.

        If it makes a point or you just fabricate one from your experience is just what art will provide.

        Unless the creators come straight out and say “this film was my personal statement about this issue” then its not the “goal”

    • SlashBeast says:

      EVERY movie can be intelligent. It’s just that people don’t demand anything more than fluff and Abrams and co. don’t supply it.

  8. Dragon says:

    Doomsday Machine

  9. vargas says:

    I’ve always thought the Cardassians were good villains.

    But yeah, A Klingon warlord would be awesome!

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