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Kevin Smith’s Green Hornet Comic out in March!

By Rodney - January 12, 2010 - 14:15 America/Montreal

Kevin Smith has released via Twitter that Dynamite will be pimping his comic book. While a comic book release might not sound like a movie related topic, this one actually is.

See, Kevin Smith wrote a treatment for a Green Hornet feature film that was never used. So he tucked it away with his stash and as time passed, we now get Seth Rogen’s film being developed.

Well it seems the gang at Dynamite Entertainment got a hold of his script, got Johnathan Lau to do some sketches based on Alex Ross’ designs for the character and now that script will serve as the storyline for the return of The Green Hornet to the printed page!

Check out the announcement and onesheet here:

Dynamite Entertainment releases:

The Green Hornet is back and Dynamite is the new home for the avenging hero and his faithful sidekick, Kato (and, the Black Beauty, ‘natch!)! And we’re kicking things off with a BANG as we launch the first of a new series of adventures starting with the great Kevin Smith. And let’s get it out of the way, right here, right NOW - the scripts are in! Every single one! Joining Smith in bringing his unproduced screenplay to life is artist Jonathan (Black Terror) Lau as they present the one and only origin of the Green Hornet and Kato. This is the comic book version of Kevin smith’s unproduced Green Hornet film and Dynamite is the only place to get in on the action - it all begins here!

The art looks great, and I like that they are making Kato a girl. The “stinger daggers” look appropriately awesome, and Hornet’s bug eye lenses finally make the moniker have more relevance than just a catchy name. Sure, we get the “green” part, but why Hornet? Ok, we get it now.

This will certainly top my pull list.


  1. James (Haz) says:

    you guys DO know the Spider-Man franchise just got rebooted, right?

    • James (Haz) says:

      So pretty much every comic book out there thats about to get a movie will hopefully learn from these mistakes… maybe it was a good thing? (im trying to be optimistic)

    • hamiwill says:

      What does Spider-Man reboot have to do with Green Hornet? What mistakes? I’m so very confused by your comment.

      Anyway, I’m stoked to see the Smith version in some form. I was thrown for a second by the female Kato though. I’ll have to see how well it works out in the final product. The teaser art is fantastic though! WOW!

    • Rodney says:

      You do read this site don’t you?

      • hamiwill says:

        yes, and I get that both films have been filled with difficulties, but correlation between the first comment and the post are quite non-sequitur. And the vague reference to mistakes is sooo broad that a true correlation is difficult to make. I would think that by letting go of Raimi, Sony is potentially closer to falling into the Green Hornet trap felt by letting Kevin Smith go than they are of escaping that fate. Anyway, this is about the comic that is going to be released and I, like James, merely digress from the focus of the discussion.

  2. Kaneda979 says:

    This is just awesome, love the sketches and looks like we do get to see Kevin Smith’s Green Hornet movie after all, except on paper.

    Can’t to check out the first issue.

  3. kingl says:

    Badass! Alex Ross is my favorite comic book artist!

  4. 420BAND says:

    I liked some of his stuff with Daredevil and always enjoy his writing…

    still not CRAZY about green hornet, but that’s cause I dont really know the character much besides the old show w/ Bruce Lee.(that’s cause I will watch anything Bruce Lee)

    and for some crazy reason I still have crossed images of Green Arrow when I hear the name Green Hornet..


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