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Kevin Feige talks Avengers - Hulk is in!

By Rodney - January 27, 2010 - 12:37 America/Montreal

When Kevin Feige gets off on a rant you just step back and aim the microphone at him. He will tell you a LOT of things if you let him go.

For instance, he has spilled that the core Avengers lineup will consist of Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk and Fury. Yes! Hulk will be in Avengers. I was kind of hoping he would be the misunderstood badguy and the good hearted heroes learn of his struggle and bring him in to help him (which may be a theme anyways). Now this is not final, and the roster might flesh out with a couple minors as well (that can spinoff into their own films after -ahem Scarlet Witch/Vison, Antman/Wasp)

First Showing quotes Fiege:

“My only concern is that when we launch a franchise–whichever character’s franchise that may be–it should stand on its own two feet… So by the time ‘The Avengers’ comes in 2012, it’s not just a team superhero movie with a bunch of characters with powers. It’s three people- four including the Hulk; five including Nick Fury- who you’ve seen before in other movies, coming together for the first time.”

Of course all this planning has quickly become extremely fun, and although they’re introducing characters (especially in Iron Man 2) who will take up valuable screentime, Feige says they’re wise to not let it get too convoluted ad reinforces their respect of each franchises’ individual boundaries:

“It’s fun now, and we’re introducing some new characters in ['Iron Man 2']. But it’s not about just cramming in lots of new people; that’s sort of the cardinal sin of the sequel - adding in too many characters. This is totally Tony Stark’s story. And that’s gonna weave into Thor’s story, and Steve Rogers’ story, and it’s already ingrained with Nick Fury’s story and and organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“…we’re doing the Jack Kirby/StanLee/Walt Simonson/J. Michael Straczynski ‘Thor.’ We’re not doing the blow-the-dust-off-the-old-Norse-book-in-your-library ‘Thor.’ And in the ‘Thor’ of the Marvel Universe, there’s a race called the Asgardians. And we’re linked through this Tree of Life that we’re unaware of. It’s real science, but we don’t know about it yet. The ‘Thor’ movie is about teaching people that.”

“I’d love to break into the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe even more- it’s kind of there in ‘Thor.’ J.J. Abrams’ ‘Star Trek’ got me jonesing to do that. It’s what I grew up on - ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Star Wars.’ I want to do a big space epic. And we’ve got them in Marvel.”

I agree that there is potential for some space stories in Marvel as well. Hell, do a Starjammers movie!! Hells ya!!

I would love to see the Starjammers and the Shiar Empire and stuff like that. Of course they would have to leave out the part where Corsair is Cyclops’ daddy (Since X-Men is Fox toy right now) but it would be a great space pirate adventure.

I do like how its not just introducing the characters in their own stand alone films and then throwing them into Avengers. There will be an intertwined subplot going on here that is stronger than just the Nick Fury cameo.

But the real question that is still unanswered…. who will be the Villian - or evil organization that the Avengers are brought together to fight off? Masters of Evil/Thunderbolts?


  1. Soggie G. says:

    It’s to bad he wont be the badguy! I was really hoping they would do that so than maybe it could lead to a live-action Planet Hulk.

    Though the animated one was pretty freakin awesome!!!

  2. cloud720 says:

    Why did he say “It’s three people- four including the Hulk”?

    Why wouldn’t it just be 4 people? I wonder of the plan is to use Hulk even if he doesn’t turn into banner.

    Nick Fury, I can understand if he doesn’t fight in the forefront.

    • James says:



      Loki will be possessing Hulk into doing bad shit to the Avengers… so hell be “bad” ish

      • Will says:

        They showed that in the hulk VS thor animated movie, loki possessing the hulk. Do you think they will re-hash an animated movie for a feature film?

      • James says:

        Yes. AICN said it was true

        id link you an article but Rodney delets them. Just go to AICN and look for it

    • cloud720 says:

      I do not want to see them fight the Hulk for any reason. It would be a shame if they go through the trouble to get all of these characters together just to fight one of their own.

  3. MADMAX_007 says:

    “But the real question is still unanswered…who will be the villian?”

    According to what Kurtzman and R. Orci (Star Trek writers) stated about origins movies, I’m guessing the villian in the first Avengers movie isn’t gonna be all that grand. Because I speculate the film is gonna be about the formation of the Avengers Initiative and the conflict with whatever villian is gonna play second fiddle.

  4. Joe says:

    I would be fine in seeing Hydra as the man bad guy they could be introduced in Captain america and concluded in avengers

  5. MichoPower says:

    So have all the original actors agreed to return for thier characters for the Avengers?? I can’t wait to see RDJ and Edward Norton together…they are powerful actors.

  6. 420BAND says:

    Finally some sanity in the world!

  7. 420BAND says:

    Kang is probally the villans

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