Impressive ‘Lost’ Crash Spliced in Real Time

It’s no secret I am a HUGE Lost fan. Someone has put together a spliced version from all the perspectives possible from all the episodes of the crash of flight 815 in real time. It is very impressive if you are a fan of Lost.

The new season starts February 2nd

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11 Responses to “Impressive ‘Lost’ Crash Spliced in Real Time”
  1. chris...the real one says:

    love the show and enjoyed this clip…nice work.

  2. Brent L. says:

    Wow… just like Damon Lindelof said on his twitter page! Crazy goodness!

  3. Brandon says:

    wow this was really well made and cut up well. When Charlie passed Jack it was totally synced up, I was like “nice.”

  4. Eddie says:

    WOW, this was very, but very well put together!!!! great job whoever did it….

  5. DirkAnger says:

    That was awesome. I just dont remember when it was that Christian had the conversation with the dog about waking up his son.

  6. Brendan says:

    Saw this the other day, truly awesome. Can’t wait for the final season.

  7. Ron says:

    Wow! Awesome awesome AWESOME!!! REALLY great work!! :)

  8. 420BAND says:

    I’m probally going to get hanged for this ,but I really gave up after the 2nd season..I know its blasphemy but it got old for me with all the lotto numbers and the bomb shelter and whatnot. BUT I’m gonna go back and rent them all..

  9. Michele says:

    Dear Brock,
    Thank you. That was really great. It renewed my appreciation for the way the show unpeels each layer of story and out of synch. Lots of your time must have gone into this. Again, thank you!

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