Help the Movie Blog Serve you better with a Survey

Greetings International Friends!! We need your help with a survey.

No, this isn’t anything that gets me paid or promises you a free ipod you know will never come. This is just a survey we built to help improve The Movie Blog as well as find out a bit more about you! Please Go Fill out the Survey!!

Ok, things are really being set in motion for some big improvements to The Movie Blog, and while I have been telling you its been coming for about a month now, it is very close to actually happening, and this is your chance to tell us about you and what you might want to see here.

Go Fill out the Survey!!

So fill it out, and if you would like, you can leave a note in the comment section here letting me know what kind of things you want to see happen here! We really want to build The Movie Blog into more of the community many of you call home for your movie discussions.

This is for you. The more of you who participate in the survey, the better we can shape TMB into what you want to see!

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60 Responses to “Help the Movie Blog Serve you better with a Survey”
  1. Matt Keith says:

    I know things have been hectic around here since John left in all, but I was wondering when/if “Forgotten Fridays” will return?

    More writers would be cool as well. If you looking for suggestions I would love to help out with the site.

    • Aaron H says:

      Yes i would love to have Forgotten fridays back, I have been listening to filmsack podcast and they do that with older movies, you might want to check them out. I think that could be a massive asset to this website

  2. Rob says:

    So eerrrmmm, why is half the survey asking me about video games? Like… really in depth questions about video games.

  3. Rob says:

    Oh and also, I tried to submit, but the submission form won’t go.

    It comes up with “Please correct the following error!”.

    With a star next to my age as if to say I lied about being within 18-24.

  4. Ed Pascale says:

    Did mine, hope it helps ;)

  5. Mykrantz says:

    Done, hope it helps

  6. Shane Razey says:


    Does anyone have the answer to question three….

  7. Brendan says:

    Done annnddd done.

  8. R.E. Blakeslee says:

    Alright Guys, done! Thanks for asking our opinions.

    IMO, one feature that would be a great addition to TMB is the ability to edit our comments. I hate it when I find a typo. Ugh!

  9. Paul says:

    I’d like to see the RSS feed back to normal, right now it looks like John has hijacked it for his new site.

    • John Campea says:


      Over the years TMB has used several RSS feeds due to our constant changing of servers and hosting companies from time to time. So I would often use my personal Feedburner account to bridge the gap.

      Although it’s been up for a while, my feedburner was NOT the actual TMB RSS feed.

      When I realized my personal one was still being used on TMB (no one realized it), I switched it over and I’ve emailed TMB to let them know and that they needed to put in the actual TMB feed link.

      So I have not “hijacked” the feed. There is an ACTUAL TMB feed and I’m sure they’ll put that link in soon.

      It’s just a part of the switch over, although I should have switched this part weeks ago to minimize the confusion, so I do apologize for that.

      • ADOX2525 says:

        ooo a comment on TMB,

        i see ur comments are no longer shaded black for obvious reasons, if you can help Rodney do that it would be good

  10. BigHead says:

    Does watching movies on count as downloading movies? If so I Will have to change my answer.

  11. Josh says:

    One thing I would love to see on happen to the site is for you to get sent an e-mail when someone replies to your comment. BTW, what is the reason for giving an e-mail address?

  12. WholeBlack says:

    @Bighead, your answer falls under question number 9. Fill in the “other” blank space.

  13. kal07 says:

    done !

  14. Andrew says:

    I’d like to see an improved search feature.
    Like, being able to search ONLY the reviews for something.
    I’ll type in a movie in the search bar and I’ll get a bunch of results that aren’t even related to it or just mentioned the words at some point.

  15. michael says:

    I filled out the survey but have a couple of extra suggestions:

    -I’d like to see more general posts. ie posts similar to the ones listed under “All Time Favourite Posts”. Obviously people come here for opinion on things directly relating to a film or film news but I also enjoy coming here to read opinions on general stuff. I used to really enjoy reading those posts by John.

    -More film reviews

    -Regular Podcast (it seems this one has already been taken on board)

    Keep up the good work guys

  16. Antonio Spinozzi says:

    Hang on a minute. My life is hectic at the mo so am not reading the blog as much as I used to but what’s this about John leaving???

  17. Pedro says:

    Go Fill out the Survey!!

    Ok ok, take it easy, your wish has been granted.

  18. Darren J Seeley says:

    - I had been noticing it where the past few weeks there were at least two posts roughly on the same subject by Rodney and Brock. (Mamoa is Conan, Hulk in Avengers) while double posts were accidental rarities, I hope that this does not become a habit.

    -There needs to be at least one or two more folks who would help Rodney and Brock on the main page. Someone who would do a gig for salted circus peanuts. Between the two of you I notice that there are only a few posts every other day. Sometimes one, sometimes none. I understand you want to bring Community back, but I’m talking about the main page and not a sub-page.

    - I agree there should be more reviews and/or Forgotten Fridays.

    That’s all I can really think of at the moment; for the most part, TMB and its planned futures are in decent shape.

  19. aaronite_1 says:

    I really, really miss Doug Nagy, Soul Video and the Round Table and all the comedy, laughter and fun that came with them. I haven’t found a single blog that can match the old camaraderie/chemistry :-(

    • Blackrobe says:

      I miss Doug and the old gang as well, but times change and all that. I also enjoy this TMB for being informative and still the best place for an honest review. I like that Rodney pisses me off sometimes and look forward to yet another new TMB. Whatever its always been the guys that come here and comment on the threads for me…thats the real TMB.

      but yah, NOTHING will ever top Doug and the squash.

      • aaronite_1 says:

        Oh, man, I had forgotten about that LOL!! I do enjoy Rodney’s audio blog, but he could do a lot worse than feature guests from yesteryear. Actually, I think that would be a really classy thing to do, for the “torchbearer” to basically put ego aside and honour TMB’s past :-)

      • Rodney says:

        This “torchbearer” is the past. I have been with TMB since day one. I am the past.

        As for former guests and writers on the site, that is up to them if they want to participate.

  20. 420BAND says:

    Got Web search at work will have to complete at home

  21. Anti-Septic says:

    I filled out the survey. The only thing I would like to see are some actor interviews if possible.

  22. liyo says:

    I’m with you aaronite_1, that’s the one thing I miss the most—Doug Nagy.
    @ Rodney. Kidnap Nagy in you basement and make him do his epic rants.

  23. ADOX says:

    When Nagy sang a song inspired by words that appeared during the song on uncut live it was genius.

    Get Nagy BACK

  24. Craig says:

    Adding a weekend box office report, unless you already have that, I don’t visit that often and a new movies on DVD/BluRay report. If you added those The Movie Blog could be my one stop place for everything about movies.

    Just curious how many news articles about new and upcoming movies does this blog do a day? Would that increase with the new features you want to add?

    Also have you ever thought about bringing back The TV Show Blog?

  25. Valis says:

    Ok I don’t understand why the last half of that survey was about video games and shit. This is the Movie Blog not the Video game blog. Also I’d like to see post that aren’t movie news. For instance maybe a post about your favorite directors or actors. Where are the podcasts btw?

  26. Craig says:

    Valis maybe they are going to start The Video Game Blog in addition to improving The Movie Blog? If they would bring back The TV Show Blog that would be cool also. I could have three blogs about Movie, TV Show and Video Game news all from the same people that run this site.

    • Rodney says:

      We tried the TVShow Blog, and we may return to that idea still.

      Video games too.

      • Craig says:

        I think you should give The TV Show Blog a try again. You could add a daily TV show ratings report and what TV Shows are in developement, along with new if the TV Shows changed their day and time slot to that blog. The Video Game Blog would be cool also.

    • Valis says:

      I don’t want a video game blog i want a movie blog. Make a better movie blog!

  27. 420BAND says:

    More movie reviews by Rodney would be cool

  28. middleman says:

    Filled in and submitted. I hope it helps for both editorial and marketing purposes. Who is offended if the survey had some financial benefits to TMB, anyway? I get great content and pay nothing. I HOPE TMB can get some coin off my survey, so they can pay the bills.

    My suggestion was more list articles. We haven’t had as many lately, and they are always fun. Great way to fill up space on a slow news day AND keep traffic coming in to debate them on the comments section.

  29. Hil18 says:

    I filled out the survey! I would also love to help out with the site also.

  30. nbakid2000 says:

    As you guys are still friends and all (I assume), I want the old roundtable back.

    Just because John left and had some sort of falling out with Doug, that doesn’t mean Doug and Darren and everyone else can’t come back without John.

    Also, we need commentaries.

    • Matt Keith says:

      Doug has said MANY times when he did his podcast that he will NEVER come back to TMB, unfortunately.

      • ADOX2525 says:

        he did aww…

        can u listen to his old podcasts still?

        I knew they fell out, he probably thought he should get a cut of the money John made selling the site i think


      • Matt Keith says:

        You can listen to Nagical Radio on his site(

    • liyo says:

      @ nbakid2000.
      I believe Darren is currenly living in Quatar so I don’t think he will be joining the round table anytime soon. with John gone, Doug swearing to never come back, and Bruxy who only GOD knows where he is, getting them together again will have as much chance as see Led Zeppelin playing again.

    • Rodney says:

      God does know where Bruxy is, and fortunately so do I. Its not a secret, but he is an insanely busy guy teaching at Canada’s largest church as well as writing his second book.

      Doug was approached to appear in the podcasts again but politely declined. I hold no ill will against Doug and was no part of his leaving the site.

      Darren does occasionally visit back in Canada and I still have contact with him, but being on the opposite side of the planet has its limitations.

      Time will tell.

  31. Jeff says:

    I also said we need more Doug Nagy. He was the primary reason I got into the TMB podcasts in the first place.

    I also recommended more editorial posts like John use to do, basically “rant” posts. Also suggested more reviews, writers/contributors, a TMB forum for the TMB community members to share ideas/opinions/reviews/posts for topics that may not be covered on TMB’s frontpage, more podcasts (in both audio and video formats), more movie reviews - and these may not necessarily need to be for movies currently in theaters => maybe some contributing authors will post reviews about older movies.

    An after thought is to maybe make the F4FF return. The one held a few years ago was really special and different and I had a hell of a good time watching movies, participating in q&a sessions/panel discussions and hearing some awesome comedy from Doug.

    • Rodney says:

      Doug has politely banished himself from TMB unfortunately. I did ask him to return for a guest appearance on a podcast, which he declined.

      • aaronite_1 says:

        That’s a shame. Have you asked Soul Video, Rodney? He added some levity to the proceedings, and was one of the “newer guys” I guess. You’d probably need Skype (or equivalent), but it would be worth it!

  32. Katie says:

    that was a weird survey.

  33. SirEvo says:

    I am from Turkey. I filled out servey too.


  34. Craig says:

    Is the new site the reason for the lack of news today? Will the site launch with an all new design with new news? I hope their will be a weekend box office report and a what’s new on DVD/BluRay release report included with the updated site?

  35. Paul says:

    It would be nice to see more frequent reviews of newly released movies.. I think that’s what mainly attracted me to the site because of the tone and objectivity of the reviews here.. With that said, I would have loved to have been warned NOT to see LEGION.

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