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Guy Ritchie may Abandon Lobo to do Sherlock Holmes 2

By Rodney - January 27, 2010 - 12:52 America/Montreal

Seems the fasttrack to Sherlock Holmes 2 has left the adaptation of Cowboys and Aliens without Robert Downey Jr, and now it appears another casualty to another planned film will be suffering to make theSherlock sequel happen.

Guy Ritchie was getting ready to do Lobo when the plan to dive into Sherlock 2 so quickly may have him abandoning that project now too.

First Showing shares:

Joel Silver, who is serving as producer on both projects, says the studio is all about he and Ritchie working on a Sherlock Holmes sequel even if that means bailing on Lobo, but it’s not official yet. Silver elaborated:

I don’t think he’s going to do it now. I would guess a different director [will take on the project]. The studio wants us and Guy to focus on making another ‘Sherlock Holmes.’ So I think we’re going to be doing that.

So while other sites are already calling it done (and it likely is) it is just likely headed that way.

Frankly I am all for Ritchie doing another Sherlock. I enjoyed his version more than I thought I would. He shattered any preconceived notions of Sherlock as a stuffy quiet intellectual who solved crimes purely by observation and pondering. And yet still didn’t piss all over what Sherlock IS about. I liked that a great deal.

Now Lobo I could do without. He is nothing but a joke. No really.. thats what Lobo originally was - a joke. An over the top DC fabrication to poke fun at the Wolverine character from their rivals. Lobo has no depth to him and just has no appeal to me at all. Not even a little. Now if they give him depth and story - then I will reconsider. But based on the property as it is right now, I cannot motivate myself to be interested in the concept of a Lobo film.

Bring on Sherlock. Lobo is so secondary (or seventhdary…)


  1. cloud720 says:

    Given that Sherlock Holmes has made more than 4 times the amount of all of Guy Richie movies combined, I think its a good idea for him to put a sequel above any other project.

  2. TheCritic says:

    Well, I’m a BIG FAN of Lobo and WAS a big Guy Richie fan before seeing Sherlock which was, to me, his worst movie so far!

  3. Karl says:

    Back when they first announced that Guy Richie was going to do this Sherlock Holmes movie I remember hearing that someone else was also going to make a Sherlock Holmes movie. Does anyone also remember that? Does anyone know what happened to that?

  4. adix says:

    I would rather see LOBO instead of a Sherlock 2.

    And if they would use the same personality that they gave Lobo in “Superman - the animated series”, man oh man, THAT would be great.

  5. SlashBeast says:

    I thought Ritchie was perfect for Lobo. Shame if he plays it safe and goes with Sherlock 2.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    As pointed out by Rodney, Lobo is a one note character whose appeal lies mostly in dark satire and is in essence a jab at X-Man Wolverine.

    It should be said that the Lobo project isn’t “dead”. Silver implies that other directors will be considered. But I would rather see other DC characters before Lobo (like Sgt. Rock or Wonder Woman, Joel…?) and —given the same choice, I would also choose Sherlock Holmes 2 over Lobo.

  7. 420BAND says:

    Yeah, even though I didn’t LOVE Holmes this Lobo Idea was skimpy at best..just like other DC properties that have no business having a movie now. like:Plasticman,Martian,Nightwing and Green Lantern.(sorry did I write that last one?)

    WHERE the hell is the Flash,Auqaman,and Wonderwoman already?
    JEEEESH! DC comics’ next project is LOBO WTF!

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