Conquest of the Planet of the Apes not Dead Yet

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 01. 2010in News Chat

I agree with most everyone that the reboot of Planet of the Apes could have been better. With that said, it wasn’t horrible. It was watchable, and the end of the movie left enough to warrant a sequel \ prequel for me anyway.

Fox hasn’t yet given up on the idea of a remake for Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, renamed: Caesar.

Latino Review gives us the update:

According to the Vulture section of New York Mag, insiders close to the matter have stated that Fox is still pursuing its reimagining of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. The new film, entitled Caesar, was written by Riff Jaffa and Amanda Silver, both of whom are reportedly being brought back along with new writer Jamie Moss, to do some edits.

In the version Frank wanted to direct, the film focuses on how the apes first became intelligent and then rose to fight against the humans under the leadership of an ape named Caesar. What may be of interest to other Planet of the Ape fans though, [SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU'VE NEVER SEEN CONQUEST OF THE PLANET OF THE APES OR ESCAPE FROM THE PLANET OF THE APES] is that in Caesar, the name “refers to the genetically altered leader of the simian rebellion.”

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Rodney who has written 8483 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Conquest of the Planet of the Apes not Dead Yet”

  1. Matt S says:

    I dunno, I rewatched it a few weeks ago and it is pretty damn horrible, in my opinion. My eyes started rolling and didn’t stop ’till the closing credits. Plus, the entire time I couldn’t help but thinking “why, for the love of GOD, is that Paul Giamatti Orangutan acting exactly like Jim Carrey’s Grinch?!?!?! (not a character that anyone should want to emulate… EVER!)

  2. RB says:

    This is a perfect franchise fro a full-on, studio reboot if ever there was one. Yeah, okay, Burton’s was HORRIBLE, but I’m saying forget that and start again. Even the bad Planet of the Apes movies are ridiculous fun, and I think with the proper person running the franchise this could be something really cool.

    “Caesar” might be a good start. The secret is to make it fun and dark, but not TOO dark. They need to experiment and not make the future too….futurey. I will cautiously follow the development of this, but I’m not holding my breath.

  3. Monty says:

    I’m still hoping for a Planet of the Apes musical.


  4. 420BAND says:

    OOHH, Rock me Dr. Zaius!

    this uprising was a cool idea and I would def. give it a shot.. anything to erase that last one from my head.

  5. Matt Keith says:

    This series should be left alone.

  6. SlashBeast says:

    The last one was terrible. I don’t see the point of continuing this series.

  7. 420BAND says:

    Maybee to do it justice for the new generation?

    Nothin’ against Tim Burton’s, he tried, pretty hard BUT the casting was terrible, only thing good was Tim Roth as that mean as f%$k chimp.

    and an uprising of the apes showing HOW they came to be that way is really the most appealing aspect of this sounds cool as hell, even a bit disturbing. To REBOOT/re-visit it is a waste of time.
    nothing holds up to the Original. NOTHING.

  8. RB says:

    While I agree that nothing holds up to the original, the sequels, while fun, got worse and worse. I think there is a lot to mine in the “Apes” universe, and I think a re-boot of the Apes franchise could be great if done right. They would never even have to tell the Heston version of a man from the past if they didn’t want to. Just concentrate on how the apes take over and man destroys himself.

  9. Michael says:

    Nothing can come close to the original cult classic. The “Re-boot”, sucked. I was very disapointed. The ending was the best part. If they think they can fix the franchise, more power to them.

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