Brand and Marsden join I Hop

A new Universal family comedy shamelessly latching on to the Apple naming trends of putting an i in front of a word, and playing a bunny pun against the popular breakfast foods chain for a title that has only a vague connection to the plot, I Hop is coming with James Marsden and Russell Brand.

Obsessed with Film says:

Universal comedy that will star James Marsden as an unemployed slacker who accidentally runs over the Easter Bunny (voiced by Russell Brand) with his car, and takes him under his wing to nurses him back to full health.

Tthe movie will be part live-action/part CGI and it comes from the director who blended the two in Alvin and the Chipmunks

While this trend of mythical creature family friendly films is amusing if you are 12, I can’t stand them.

Oh who am I kidding! I love these family friendly light films. Not every film has to be The Dark Knight, and frankly I really like James Marsden, and I actually am one of the few who is not irritated by Russel Brand… so while I dont expect many to follow me, the kids and I will likely go see this.

I know. But some of you go to the Jackass films too and I still let you breathe.

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3 Responses to “Brand and Marsden join I Hop”
  1. 420BAND

    Russell Brand is yet another one of those guys who is probally alot funnier than what his work shows him to be..just not convinced yet..besides he cant complete a sentence without saying FUCK (something I respect)so maybee this easter bunny will be funny (for a change)

  2. bernardg

    At least you wouldn’t see his mug in this movie. Unless they’ll digitally superimpose his to the easter bunny….wich is scary

  3. 420BAND

    I think Brand will be working at an I hop in about 2 years (after a loong 15 mins)

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