Avatar 2 about to enter Preproduction

Avatar is already gearing up for pre-production on a sequel, and with the heaps of money they made on it I am not surprised.

CinemaBlend says

Even though Cameron still insists they don’t have a story, Slashfilm says they’re gearing up for pre-production anyway.

Their tipster claims technical crew have already been signed up for three and five year contracts to work on the sequel.

Not to say that a sequel cannot work, but after a film like this I kind of get a bad taste in my mouth.

What worked for Avatar is that it told a complete story and didn’t make me crave more. The story ends satisfactorily, and both sides move on with the humans licking their wounds and the Na’vi setting to rebuild.

So to introduce a NEW epic conflict to a setting that has resolved just feels awkward.

Granted, I don’t see the money grubbing corporate desk warmers on Earth settling for the sob story the remnant humans will offer up on their return, and they may send a new force in to retake their Unobtanium deposits. (FYI - in the 80s Oakley Sunglasses called the rubbery contacts on the nose and trigger arms of their glasses “unobtanium”) Maybe they will expand the Avatar project and create their own army of Na’vi with advanced technology?

It makes sense that they would sign production deals for that long. While it might not take another 15 years to create this film (most of that was tech development) it surely will keep them busy for at least 3, and maybe 5 if they plot two sequels back to back.

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22 thoughts on “Avatar 2 about to enter Preproduction

  1. when his soul transported into the Avatar or better yet N’avi body It kinda implied that Jakes body was empty..so Sam Worthington is I guess done?

    interesting to see what direction they go in…

  2. I think Avatar is a stand alone film. Why not use the technology he created with the making to do another great stand alone film? I mean, it’s not like the sequel is going to have any more of an original storyline than the first. The movie was clearly geared to show off the incredible action, visuals, and technical achievements that he’s created. That’s why as a whole, I still don’t think it deserved the golden globe for best film. Director? maybe, I mean i saw a making of on FMC and I was floored at the process of making the film. That was interesting.

  3. Just want to point out that Star Wars: A New Hope ended on a “complete” note. Bad guys beaten, medals handed out. I’m pretty sure everyone walked away from that feeling satisfied-and then look what happened-the greatest sequel of all time! The story was far from over.
    Now am I comparing Avatar to Star Wars in terms of quality? Hell no. Avatar’s script read more like one of those Ewok movies that aired post-Jedi. All I am saying is that now that the Avatar universe has been set up, the sky is the limit.

    1. Except at the end of “A New Hope” Vader was still out there in the universe. The main villain(Quarith(misspelled)) was defeated and the problems were solved, unless you want to bring in a plotline where the humans return, but thats too cliched.

  4. My guess is this:
    Years later, Na’vi and Humans work together to counter some other invading aliens. Earth is probably dead, and the Na’vi generously delivered plants and animals from Pandora to recultivate man’s homeplanet. Now both planets and the creatures living upon are “interconnected” on an empathic level and have to face the alien menace together to survive.

    Something like that, but only if they try to be original :)

    1. Humans cannot breath on Pandora because the air is toxic to them. I don’t see how Pandora plants or the Na’vi would survive on Earth then either.

      I am sure they will come up with some sort of story with yet another epic conflict.

  5. Veeeeeeeery interested to see what the plot of Avatar 2 will be. As Rodney and others have mentioned, the first movie was a complete story, so they will be starting from scratch in a sense here.
    Here are a couple of more ideas/elements that could be utilized in a sequel :
    1)The film could use other planets in the Pandora solar system
    2)A virus could hit Pandora. The Na’vi blame Jake for bringing it. It turns out that returning humans have released the virus so as to wipe out life on Pandora, so they are then free to exploit it for their own gain
    3)Natural disasters on Pandora (eg: Earthquake, flood, Volcano eruption). Once again, Jake’s presence is blamed as the cause.
    4)Disharmony between the Na’vi tribes leading to civil war
    5)Electric Boogaloo

  6. I think he should just copy from T2 and have the humans create a shape-changing avatar that chases Avatar Jake across Pandora. I also hope they add a child sidekick as well, so he can spout off one-liners and Jake can get really frustrated at the kid.

  7. And then Sam Witwicky shows up with the Transformers. But the Transformers can’t figure out if they want to stay with the greedy humans or help the poor innocent natives of Pandora. All hell breaks loose in a 3 sided intergalactic war and the obvious winner be…The Predator ship that crash lands on Padora carrying numerous alien eggs!!! Now thats a movie!!!

  8. ***giovanni ribisi’s dad who runs the organization trying to get the unobtainium and who is hopefully played by Bill Paxton comes back to do the job his incompetent spoiled brat son couldn’t finish.***

  9. so far in these comments and any sequel talk, i don’t know that i’ve seen any mention of ‘Avatar.’ these other stories and suggestions don’t really use the ‘Avatar’ angle. won’t it otherwise just be another space/alien movie?

    1. Which is why I suggested in the post that they might make their own army of Na’vi with updated tech to take them on.

      Imagine space Na’vi in their own battle armour. Level the playing field then add tech. The Human factions could Avatar themselves into Na’vi and then use better weapons.

      1. so we’re moving ahead to at least six years to grow the avatars, and giving the Na’vi a chance to rebuild. could happen, but it feels gimicky - not your idea, but the Na’vi with space armor and guns. in my head, that’s just weird.

  10. I think the best case scenario if there WERE a sequel, would be to introduce some sort of conflict between the various Na’vi tribes - maybe some of them don’t like that Jakesully and his tribe are still involved with a few of the humans there. That would keep us immersed in their world without it being a boring rehash of Aliens vs. Humans.

  11. I agree that the story does stand alone but the brand is so huge now that they “must” ride its momentum to another big box office payday.

    They will likely do a story with humanity regrouping to return with even more force to conquer Pandora.

  12. I hope he does Battle Angel first, then Avatar 2.

    @”What worked for Avatar is that it told a complete story and didn’t make me crave more”

    I agee, the film was great as a stand alone film.

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