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August 24, 2009

X-Men Origins: Magneto To Move Forward “In Next Year Or So”

— Posted by John Campea

Seems like forever ago that we first heard there would be two X-Men prequels going into production. Wolverine and Magneto stand alone films. Well… Wolverine has come and gone (thank goodness it’s gone) but absolutely nothing has come out of the more interesting of the two… Magneto.

Well that could FINALLY be about to change as David Goyer is now saying that he and the studio have been talking and he’s pretty sure the project will be moving forward in the next year or so.

This is fantastic news to me. I’ve always thought Magneto is one of the most fascinating characters of the X-Men universe… or any comic book lore for that matter. The man is so complex, so morally intricate with such a rich history… and quite frankly… can kick so much ass no one should ever fuck with him.

I really hope Goyer is right about this. (Source: Latino Review)

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  • KarinzoT

    This is good news! I’m such a fan of the X-men that I would like to see a movie or two each year, with the right directors attached of course.

  • TT

    I never knew there was going to be a Magneto movie. I really hope it turns out great, especially since I’ve gotten to know the character more after managing to find the comics at this site.

  • David Lopan

    David Goyer is a good writer, awful director. I hope the direction duty is given to somone else.

  • Kaneda979

    One other thing about Goyer.

    Just found this, IMDb says he’s involved, some how, with the movie version of “Baltimore, or The Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire”. Which is a REALLY good book from the guy who created Hellboy.

    I only wonder what exactly Goyer’s involvement is with the project and again, hope that it’s not to direct, not by himself anyways. ;P

  • Kaneda979

    LOL, I love how he said, “in the next year or so”. So that means it could get rolling next year, or the next year, or even the next year after that. But at least something is finally happening after all this time.

    I’ve been waiting on this movie ever since I first heard about it, some years ago. Magneto is BY FAR my favorite comic book villain. There is just nothing else like him.

    He’s extremely smart, as powerful as a God, others will fallow him as if he was one, and kind of see him as if he were a messiah, a leader of the strong and destroyer of the weak. At one time he had compassion for all life, but dramatic events in his own changed him forever. He now thinks what he is doing is by all means, justified. All the makings for a perfect SUPER villain. There is just no other character like Magneto. In my opinion, in terms of a truly great villain, that is so bad, so awesome, and evil, that you love him, Magneto is on the same level as Darth Vader. To not making a movie about this ingenious character’s life would be a travesty.

    Now on one hand I hate the fact that Goyer is directing. The man is amazing as a writer, but total crap in the director’s chair. However, IMDb is saying that both he and James McTeigue is directing Magneto, I guess. McTeigue is a really great director and he would be perfect for the Magneto movie. So maybe, with him there next to Goyer, he can show the guy how to actually make a good movie…

  • Brandon Daviet

    Man again I rally dug Wolverine, and I really don’t like him in the comics but the movie was tight.

    Magneto I’m excited for I hope it happens…

  • Roman

    I second that vote for Ryan Reynolds. But seriously when i close my eyes and envision magneto i see on Jeremy Irons. Please make my wish come true. I know he is too old for an origin story but if deadpool can shoot optic blasts from his ass Jeremy irons can do me this favor

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