X-Files 3?

I’m one of those guys that really didn’t mind the first X-Files movie and was pretty excited about a second one. However… like many of you I thought the second one was total garbage. Almost as bad as the series finale. Such a wasted opportunity.

Anyway, there is word going around that despite the critical and box office failure of the second X-Files film, a third installment could be on the way. As a matter of fact, franchise star Gillian Anderson says that’s exactly what’s happening. From our friends over at Screen Rant:

Gillian Anderson at a Sarajevo film festival that basically allude to the fact that she would be willing to return for a third X-Files movie and (that in fact) there is one currently in the planning stages, with 2012 mentioned as a possible production or release date (details are unclear).

Ok… I have two thoughts on this:

1) Dear heavens NOOOOOO!!!! You’ve already ruined the franchise. Leave me alone with whatever pleasant memories I have of the show and the first movie left. You’ve lost it… let it go.

But the second thought I have is…

2) YES! Please use this opportunity to expunge the bad taste of the last movie and the last couple of seasons of the show. Redeem the X-Files name! Get back to what made the show so good and give us what we want! Do it! Dooo it!!!!!!!!

I’m not sure which side of my brain is winning on this one. Do you find yourself siding more with my thought #1 or thought #2?

  • Rosemont

    I am in the great minority in that I liked the second movie. I didn’t love it, but I really liked it. There was a quieteness to it, it was more of a character study than a thriller. I do understand why people hated it, but I just didn’t. And I am a huge fan since the beginning, own all the dvd’s, etc, so I think I have some perspective. I do agree with John re the mixed feelings of a 3rd movie, but I lean heavily towards number 2. I would love to see a 3rd movie that blows away peoples expectations just for point of pride. Maybe get Vince Gilligan involved, he’s done an excellent job with Breaking Bad, or my favorite writer for the x-files, Darin Morgan.

  • Mladen

    I’ve noticed the latest movie, although not very good, has resparked a lot of renewed interest in the original series and the first film (both of which, in my opinion, are excellent, and I don’t see what there is to hate about the first film at all).

    A lot of people I know are suddenly fondly remembering the X-files, and thats okay with me.

  • http://www.ryanstake.net Ryan

    I for one really enjoyed the second movie. I felt it was like a very good, extended episode. Not every movie has to be the second freaking coming… and I for one found lack of Big Effects rather refreshing.

    (And for all those who think X-Files is, was or should be all about aliens, please go watch some of the old episodes. It was always more than that. My favorite episode was about killer bugs that were released from chopping down ancient-growth trees. Darkness Falls FTW!).

  • obi-wan kubrick

    Releasing it in 2012 around the time of the planned alien invasion conspiracy is a great idea!

  • RPM

    I think I go with number 2. X-Files was such a great tv experience, and if done right (like the first movie) it could be so awesome! Yes, they big-time stumbled with the last movie,but I would really like for them to redeem themselves. Just don’t make it so boring!

  • Simple Simon

    I would love a good X-Files movie. I would prefer a Millennium movie.

  • http://chokingonpopcorn.com/popcorn/ Darren J Seeley

    While I’m glad to see I’m not alone with some folks in liking the last picture, in my view, that picture succeeded in the “redemption” of Mulder, raised issues of faith, forgiveness…and instead of Gov’t red tape, it is now a hospital’s red tape.

    However, I also see where the film failed. The film was not as grand in scale as the previous picture; it seemed more like an expanded ‘X-Files” episode AND the delay between the second film and the TV series/previous film was far apart.

    I didn’t think the previous film stunk.
    I didn’t think the previous film was outstanding.
    I thought it was…alright, nothing that knocked me out, y’know?

    So here’s what I say.

    Cable TV movie over two nights. SyFy, Fox, FX somewhere. HBO.
    No theatrical. NADA.
    I hate to say that. I don’t…want to write that.

    But that is the writing on the wall. The fan base is loyal, but it’s not as huge as it once was, the show ran its course.

  • LAgirl

    Totally could see a 3rd installment, but please STICK TO WHAT WORKS!!! If the alien contraversy is what made the movie and the show a hit stay with it, embelish on it, but MAKE IT WORK!!! Don’t get lazy in writing the script.