Why The Hell Was “Christmas Carol” Released Now?!?!

I took in a lot of movies the last couple of days and I’ll get around to putting up the reviews soon… but I wanted to ask this question out loud. You see… one of the films I saw was “Christmas Carol”, and even though it wasn’t quite as good as I was hoping it would be, it still ends up being a pretty decent flick in my opinion. A good (not great) CHRISTMAS movie. Which begs the question…

WHY THE HELL IS CHRISTMAS CAROL BEING RELEASED THIS FAR AWAY FROM CHRISTMAS?!?! I mean bloody hell… it’s still a while before American Thanksgiving. Call me crazy… call me a maverick… but wouldn’t it have made a bucket full of more sense to release “A Christmas Carol” closer to say… oh I don’t know… CHRISTMAS!?!?!

I mean come on… there are some people out there who still haven’t even taken the pumpkin off their porches yet.

Whatever… it doesn’t effect how much I didn’t or didn’t enjoy the movie… I just don’t understand why you bother to make a CHRISTMAS movie and don’t release it anywhere near CHRISTMAS.

Any thoughts?

About John Campea

who has written 0 posts on The Movie Blog

  • BobaFett

    Am I the only one who wants Zemeckis live action movies not Animation?

    Cmon…The guy is a modern master, from Romancing the Stone (Remake Bait), to Back to the Future, to Roger Rabbit, Death Becomes Her, Cast Away, about the only misstep I’ve seen him take (besides these soulless animations), was Contact, which still wasn’t terrible.

  • Jason

    I completely agree! I was yelling the same question at the t.v. every time the commercial came on (which ran repeatedly every 10 minutes on almost every channel last week).

    To Disney I say… BAH, HUMBUG!!!