Watch Five Minutes of The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

The opening segment of The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day has been put up online.

This gets right to the meat of the film setting the pace of the film in about 5 minutes, recapping the first movie and jumping head long into the next.

This looks like its going to be a kickass ride. Billy Connolly’s assessment at the beginning says it all. They called out the Brothers by killing a priest and making it look like the Saints did it. Only one problem with that. It worked.

I love that.

And knowing those sassy legs at the end of the clip belong to Julie Benz makes this all that much better!


  • Anon


  • geroge

    i cant wait

  • dave

    I dont see the appeal of having a sequel.
    the first one was good the first time. Got boring after that. It really isnt that great of a movie IMHO.
    I think this looks pretty bad.

  • Price

    I loved the first Boondock Saints, and have anticipated the second for a while. This teaser leaves me uncertain though. I agree that Connolly is awesome in the intro, but the cops really started to turn me off from the film. Sure, i laughed at the elephant dick comment, but I hope that they don’t try to turn the cops into cliches that are overly incompetent and farcical. Also, did anyone else feel as if the boys walked out of the house and back in with little to no time passing? They cleaned up, cut their hair, dug a big ass hole, cleaned their guns, and a slew of other stuff. That takes time! Connolly and the priest look like no time has passed at all. kind of made me laugh!

  • Lyf

    I don’t know about this. Seems tired and like Duffy is trying to hard to recreate the first. The premise is promising and Billy Connolly ROCKS the intro. The cops acting and direction is TERRIBLE! Beyond terrible. In the first they were pleasantly understated and only one was really incompetent - this one makes them look older and more incontinent, oops, sorry, incompetent ;p

    Will see it, but will totally wait for DVD.

  • Tony

    Pissed this movie isnt coming any where near buffalo,NY…. why cant we demend it like paranormal activity., once 1.5 million ppl hit that site, paranormal activity was picked up by the local Regal.

  • thematticus

    That. was. HORRIBLE. I actually wanted to see this, until I saw that. Troy Duffy should go back to bar tending.

  • David Lopan

    Hmmm, we shall see…

  • Dragonslayer

    “We’re fucked. And not just fucked…like Elephant dick, pound in the ass, no reach around. Now’s the perfect time to panic!” LOL

    I haven’t seen the first, but this looks totally awesome! They should’ve finished the shot with the legs so we could have seen who it was.

    • MandarinOrange

      Dude, see the first, it is awesome!!!

  • Slushie Man

    Can’t wait!