Wanna Come To A Screening Of “The Anniversary” Tomorrow Night?

Hey there guys. Ok, as most of you know I just finished my first comedy feature length film called “The Anniversary”. I’ve been planning on having a Cast/Crew/Friends/Family screening in Hollywood and was going to get a 50 seat theater for it. Turns out I needed one a little bigger, but the next best one I could get was 150 seats… which means I’ve got a few empty spots.

Soooo… since a few of you on the site have been asking about it, I thought I’d see if anyone who lives in the Los Angeles area would like to come to a midnight screening of the movie with the cast and crew tomorrow (Saturday) night at midnight in West Hollywood. I’m going to invite 5 Movie Blog readers.

So if you’d like to be one of those 5, email me at [email protected] with the answer to the following question:

“How many rebel ships attacked the Death Star in the first Star Wars movie?”

If you’re one of the first 5 to email me the correct answer, I’ll email you with the details. Cheers!


  • Louisgamers

    hey john i been away from the blog for a while but its good to see this films working out for ya but i have 1 question …… is this an offical film that will be shown worldwide cuss im dieing to see it but im in fucking england!!!!?

    • http://worldsupplement.blogspot.com/ Wilco

      Ha, I was just about to ask the same question. bring on the British release.

      • Louisgamers

        knowing us it will come out in 2011 i carnt belive shit like traitor and adventureland have just came out in uk!!!!!

  • http://retaliators.wordpress.com James (Hazmat)

    I KNOW THE ANSWER- But I know I cant go, I live in fucking south florida

    When the 5 answers are in let us know so i can finally blurt out the answer

    John, show a screning in Flo-ridah so me and my fellow Floridians can attend!

    • http://retaliators.wordpress.com James (Hazmat)

      I think that im going to explode unless i spoil the question


  • http://retaliators.wordpress.com/ AARON

    Nooo!! Dang that’s way across the country for me ha. I would love to go but i don’t now that question.


  • Mikano94

    Damn I live in New York, well those of you who are going have fun and I hope the movie goes well John.

  • israel lopez

    if we show up to watch it, can we get in for free, how so?

  • Meli

    damn…I’m close enough to drive down to LA, but I am lacking this bit of SW knowledge. Hmmm….

  • http://www.filmspunk.com robertwolf

    Fly me in, John, you know you want to! ;)

  • Jeremy K.

    If this goes over well you should do it again, but down here in San Diego instead! I want to see this, but time doesn’t allow me to head up to LA!