Video: John Talks To Richard Linklater And Zac Efron About “Me And Orson Welles”

As a part of my new “movie news” gig over at AMC Entertainment, I had a chance last week to go and talk with director Richard Linklater (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, School of Rock, Scanner Darkly) and actor Zac Efron about their new film “Me and Orson Welles” that opens in select cities this Wednesday.

It was a nice little conversation that I wanted to share with my favorite international friends here on The Movie Blog.

Don’t let any anti-Efron bias keep you from seeing this… it’s actually a really solid flick.

About John Campea

who has written 0 posts on The Movie Blog

  • Deidre Thomas

    I am glad to here that the film is good!

  • Dragonslayer

    Cool, John. Nice to here the film is actually good.

  • Garrett

    Thats awesome John. Cant wait to see more interviews

  • kal07

    Thats cool. I’m happy for you John.
    I hope we get to see you chat with more celebrities in the future like Christian Bale…