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September 29, 2009

Video Blog: Roman Polanski And The Excuses People Use To Defend Him

— Posted by John Campea

On this newest installment of my video blog, I wanted to chime in and comment on what I’ve been seeing regarding the Roman Polanski issue now that it has reemerged.

It seems like a lot of people want to talk about Polanski’s tragic life, or the judge in his trial, or the little girl’s mother, or how long ago the incident happened, or how good of a filmmaker he is, or how good of a person he is. Seems like no one wants to talk about the actual issue. He drugged, sodomized, raped a child.

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  • Missy!

    I agree what he said!
    he Raped someone he should be punish for what he freakin did…
    just because hes some white dumb bitch who
    makes GREAT movies dont mean SQUAT!!!!
    hes still an american, hes going to be penalized like everyone gets when you commit a damn crime!!!!

  • Maxx

    Thanks John,
    You’ve called it right.
    Polanski, awesome filmmaker that he is, needs to do the time allotted him.
    And remember, the Unibomber was a well-educated mathematician.

  • Carlos

    Darn I can’t see the video. My Collegue blocks Youtube.

    But speaking of which, this is all very shocking.
    But what confuses me the most is during these past years he continued to appear on countless movie festival throughtout Europe, being cheered on, shaking hands and of course, being very anti-Bush during these past years.

    And has recived very little scrutiny over these past years both in the american and european media, even though Polanski was cleary indicted.

    And stars like Johnny Depp and Adrian Brody still accepted to work on his movie.

    He even had a minor role in Rush Hour 3.

    How is it possible that someone gets this much of a free pass over something so serious as this?

    Because even Michael Jackson’s carrer was damaged over child molestation allegations back in ’93. The allegations and the recent trial, which was in 2005, I think, alone almost killed his carrer.

  • NoName

    Crime it still crime.
    Hollywood need stop making excuses and should be shame themselves. There should be no haven for criminal. Roman Polanski needs to go jail and face punishment.

  • Juergen

    So the “drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act” part is off the table and the charge is ‘just’ the sexual intercourse with a minor? No charges for drugging the girl? No additional charges that he forced the girl into something?

    Again: just asking…

  • Erick

    Wait a minute, when was it actually proven that he raped, sodomized and drugged the girl? The judge completely messed up that trial. When was it actually proven 100%?
    Just asking…

    • Erick

      btw, not defending Polanksi, I was just curious about the crime. I don’t remember reading, other than him pleading guilty but that’s up for debate as well because god knows why he pleaded guilty. It could have been that he never would have been able to prove his innocence with the botched trial.
      I’m sure he probably did those things to that girl.

      • John

        Hey Erick,

        The judge did not “botch” the trial, because there was no trial. Polanski confessed and agreed to a plea. None of the facts of the case were in dispute.

        The judge was accused of messing up the plea agreement, nothing was done wrong with any trial. His guilt or innocence has never really been in question or in dispute.

    • Juergen

      A quote from the Wikipedia article:

      “Polanski was initially charged with rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a controlled substance (methaqualone) to a minor. These charges were dismissed under the terms of his plea bargain, and he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.”

      • Juergen

        Wait a second. I am wondering right now…

        What are the charges against Polanski right now exactly? What is the exact reason for the warrent of arrest?

        If I understand the Wikipedia article correct, then the charges for the rape were dismissed, right? Does that mean that the warrant is because of the lesser crime which he confessed and not because raping a child?

        I am just asking.

      • Rodney

        The rape charges are not dismissed. The lesser crime is still statutory rape which he pleaded guilty to.

        He did this as a plea bargain so he wouldnt be charged with rape, contributing to the deliquency of a minor and drug possession charges.

        He was convicted of the crime of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, which the coward then skipped the country to avoid jail time.

  • hecticstairs

    HE’S A CHILD RAPIST, nuff said.

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