Video Blog: It Took Michael Jackson Dying For Me To Realize I Was A Michael Jackson Fan

It took Michael Jackson dying for MTV to actually play some music videos again… and it also took him dying to me to discover I was a Michael Jackson fan. On today’s video blog I talk a little about Jackson, his music and influence on movies, TV and pop culture in general. His memorial service is on it L.A. today so i just thought this would be the appropriate time.

  • http://[email protected] SoCalGal

    I’m glad you invited comments. Michael Jackson was framed-pure and simple. There’s so much evidence to support extortion. Many people still believe Michael was guilty. They were influenced to believe the allegations by the presumed legitimacy of a biased mainstream media. This was wrong and continues to be wrong. To a high degree, mainstream media has gone tabloid and is very destructive to many people’s lives. Now mainstream media will likely target his children-an even greater travesty-because they happen to be Michael Jackson’s children. Your first step in learning how Michael was framed is to read “Was Michael Jackson Framed?” by Mary A. Fischer for GQ Magazine. You can find it readily on the Internet. Then read the book, “Michael Jackson Conspiracy” by Aphrodite Jones. Here’s a link to the first two chapters of her book.
    The whole sordid story is contained in these two sources, but there are many more bits of information that point to his innocence. Yes, it took his death to put a question mark on his guilt but he was innocent. May he rest in peace.

  • Damali

    One more thing…we can let this be a learning experience. Not to pass judgments on people, but be quick to choose to see the best and to love them no matter what. We can learn to honor one another now, not because we’re all deserving of it, but b/c we decided to be a people of virtue and honor. Because I believe MJ is in heaven, I believe he is being rewarded above and beyond for his contributions and even more for what he endured. Nothing gets past the Creator. Nothing was in vain. MJ is completely whole now and experiencing the Love that he deserved and longed for and sung about.

  • Damali

    John, I commend you for being so honest and real and humble. I believe we will see him in heaven, where we can express then our appreciation and gratitude for his contributions on earth and in this life.

  • Tiff

    I’ve never actually come across your videos before and stumbled in because the title of this blog struck me, but I do absolutely agree with your viewpoint here and think it was well said. This is just the kind of openminded look back (finally, as I only did it after his death) that led me, like you, to realizing how much MJ’s humanitarianism and talent spoke to me on a level far outside any hint of bandwagon-hopping. I also never knew how overwhelmingly all evidence pointed to his innocence in the criminal trials, and I’d not previously seen enough candid videos to understand the honesty in his childlike regression. It all makes me feel guilty and shameful to think about. Plus, it’s like a cruel joke that all this admiration we have is shadowed by the blanket of it being just too dang late, and yet because we’re enmeshed in society, it probably couldn’t have played out any other way.

    Anyway, the ramblings are all to say well done =)

  • Penny Tyler

    THank you for being humble and honest enough to share your thoughts….
    I was convicted of my pride and ingnorance in my criticisms of Michael in just believing the media reports. Who am I and who are we to believe the Medis..did I know him personally? NO…do most people know him personally? NO..Did Brooke Shields know him personally YES…….who am I and who are we to judge anyone in the media spotlight….knowing what we know about the media these days….good grief….If we have a God who can forgive sin…and throw our sins as far away as the east is from the west and remember them no more when we ask…then…all of us have blown it and done stupid things…ALL of us….take heed for any of us who is so proud to think we can stand thru anything and never fall…I will with God’s help try to never criticise or judge anyone I do not know again, based on what others say or think….
    Anyone who is in the spotlight or who teaches is judged more severely…no one is perfect…but EVERYONE can take their troubles and faults and mistakes to the cross and get forgiveness and have the strength to carry on no matter what is said or done to them. This is a private thing and no one can take away what God does in someones life.WE DO NOT KNOW ANOTHER PERSONS HEART but He does.
    When I finished watching all that memorial service I felt like I had been given a big lesson, and a second chance…like it was a test of sorts…Reminded me of this verse in the Bible that the Apostle Paul wrote.
    “we are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed, we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed”….2 Cor.4:8-9
    I think that was what was the underlying message from Mr. Sharpton, and others…he got knocked down but he got back up…he never stopped…he was certainly hardpressed on every side..
    blessings and grateful to you for admitting your thoughts to us…Penny

  • SlashBeast

    I’ve always been a Michael Jackson fan and will continue to be until my dying day.

    There’s just something about his music that reaches so many people and his songs are instantly recognizable to this day.

    I never once believed the allegations against him for child molestation and such. MJ was an “odd” person in the eyes of the media and people were always trying to exploit that.

    As for Billie Jean vs. Beat It. I personally think Billie Jean is his BEST song. But my FAVOURITE song by him is Beat It , followed closely by Human Nature (One of his most underrated songs).