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News Chat
September 7, 2009

Video Blog: Halo 3 Commercial Doesn’t Mean Halo Movie Is A Good Idea

— Posted by John Campea

In this installment of my little video blog I talk a little about that new Halo 3 commercial that just came out. A lot of people have the opinion that this commercial means a Halo movie is ready to go and a good idea. I disagree, just as I would disagree that a BAD Halo 3 commercial would mean a Halo movie would be a bad idea.

Before watching the video, you should watch the commercial we’re talking about here.

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  • Tony

    I understand what you mean when you say “its just a comercial”, and i understand this trailer (if u will) was only made to promote the upcoming game, but a Halo movie will be great, considering the great story and beautiful fantasy/sci-fi. As this trailer proves little, i think the first step to a great movie is a great trailer. Marketing is important in the sucess of the movie. Is this commercial a message saying that we are finally ready for a halo movie, maybe not. but it is surely a good starting point. (Sorry for my bad english, im not from N.A)

  • Vidsub

    I never have and never will get the hype around Halo.

  • spence

    Why don’t they just make a gears of war movie with Mad World playing through the whole thing.

    I am a die hard halo fan, and would kill someone to get a halo movie, but this commercial really doesn’t say anything, it just a commercial for ODST.

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